Mar 30, 2006 00:01
With time I realize
Were my demands realistic?
Was it you who didn't appreciate me, all along.
Or, was it really me?
I was so busy engrossing myself
with the convictions of everyone else
who told me I deserve perfection
when perfection doesn't exist
Perhaps, all along, it was me
Not appreciating you enough
I don't know if I'll ever know
And that's what hurts the most
I just want to try.
But, I left that up to you.
Because that's the best way to Love You
It's impossible = All things are possible (Luke, 18;27)
I'm too tired = I will give you rest (Matt, 11:28-30)
Nobody really loves me = I love you (John, 3:16)
I can't go on = My grace is sufficient (II Cor, 12:19)
I can't figure things out = I will direct your steps (Prov, 20:24)
I can't do it = You can do all things (Phil, 4:13)
I'm not able = I am able (II Cor, 9:8)
It's not worth it = It will be worth it (Rom, 8:1)
I can't forgive myself = I forgive you (IJn, 1:9 & Rom, 8:1)
I can't manage = I will supply all your needs (Phil, 4:19)
I'm afraid = I have not given you a spirit of fear (IITim, 1:7)
I'm always worried and frustrated = Cast all your cares on Me (IPet, 5:7)
I don't have enough faith = I've given everyone a measure of faith (Rom, 12:8)
I'm not smart enough = I give you wisdom (ICor, 1:30)
I feel all alone = I will never leave you or forsake you (Heb, 13:5)
i stole that from a friend. I thought it was perfect and couldnt have needed it at a better time....