Jul 03, 2008 10:16
Recall a few posts ago, I said saves had been kind of changed. I was wrong, because I hadn't read into the combat chapter yet. Saves have been totally overhauled. Fortitude, reflex and will are now calculated the same way AC is, and used in the same way. (10 + 1/2 level + relevant modifier). For examples: fireball is an Int attack against reflex, basic melee is Strength vs AC, and enfeebling strike is Charisma vs AC.
Certain effects end when you make a save. A save is now just a d20 roll. 10-20 succeeds, 1-9 fails.
Rituals take the place of some of the longer-lasting out of combat spells of 3e. Things like raise dead, teleportation, etc. All one needs in order to cast a ritual is the appropriate level and the Ritual Caster feat. Wizards and Clerics are the only classes that have it by default, but anyone can learn it. It is also possible to circumvent these requirements by having the ritual in scroll form. The reason I bring this up again is the sudden realization that wizards can now cast Raise Dead.