Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: salty and sour or spicy flavors
Kosher dill pickles, margaritas, Frank's Red Hot sauce, Indian food, things like that. Some of the least healthy but most delicious things I've eaten are these "sizzling hot and sour" chips. Everyone else I know hates them, but I swear, they are delicious.
Literary: novels by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child Completely cheesy, awful and addictive novels about this ridiculous FBI special agent guy who solves murders. The stories always involve some mutated monster-freak human or result of a botched genetic experiment or some plot to destroy the world. They're utterly ridiculous and wonderful at the same time.Audiovisual: Judge Judy When I'm back home, my mom and I knit and watch Judge Judy if we're bored during the afternoon. They air something like six episodes back to back at a time. We watch it and make fun of the lame trashy people on the show and the old-lady commercials they show at the same time (Metamucil, Depends, Centrum Silver.) We're mean people.
Musical: I don't really know Generally I'm not ashamed of my choice in music. I suppose Tori Amos would be closest to a musical guilt because it's so stereotypical for a young female college student to like Tori Amos... sigh.
Celebrity: the hype around Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie I can't stand any of them and love to see them all piss each other off. It's really that simple.
Now I tag:-
bella_tristezza crowds_everyday patchworkjester alison84 and
elcachafaz to complete this same quiz, it's