For about four seconds, I was on the BBC local news last night - well, the right hand side of my face, anyway. So now, like Van Gogh, I have a famous ear xD
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Seven quirks about myself~
1. I need routine when I get ready on a morning. I do things to the letter, as it's the only way I won't forget anything. Otherwise, I love spontaneity :)
2. I can't paint without music. As in, it's impossible. When I was in school we always had the radio on during art lessons, and I suppose it's conditioned me. Also, listening whilst painting is the only situation where I won't obsessively change the station every time a song comes on that I don't adore. I annoy my family with that one quite a lot in the car...
3. Also, I'm clumsy, no matter how I try not to be.
4. I can memorise up to 40 random items in the order they're listed (I only know because we were tested at University. Why, I don't know. Our lecturers had nothing better to do on that day xD)
5. I'm afraid of heights if standing on ladders, but I always want the window seat when flying. (We'll see how I get on when I ride the London Eye...)
6. When revising, I write everything down in felt tip pen. Colours help me learn far more easily than any other method.
7. Only friends and family call me by my shortened name. In professional situations, I automatically use my full name, so I have one group who call me one thing, and one who call me another. When they meet, it's a little confusing xD