Oct 21, 2007 18:31
I have the next week off work for half- term break, which means I absolutely must get around to finishing my supporting statement and planning. But not quite yet, since tomorrow I'm going to the Metro Centre with my sister, to find her an outfit to wear to the fashion show her art class are going to this December. I haven't been shopping in that place for ages, and for good reason. It's the largest shopping complex in Europe, you could easily lose yourself for weeks. I hope I don't fall victim to the endless corridors, since my school friends and I are having a get together over coffee sometime in the next few days. We're so organised ^^
It's bellringing practice in the Cathedral tonight, I always like to listen from my open bedroom window, even if it's freezing outside (like it is today). To me, those bells are the most beautiful sound in the world. It's far too long since I was in that building. That it was voted England's most beautiful doesn't surprise me at all. You walk inside and it's almost like you lose the need to breathe. Living so close to it my entire life, you would think I would take the sight for granted. But I never do.