o River People themed fic (River People - Madina Lake. Inspiration for this. Go listen.)
post-apocalyptic/supernatural themes. Group of people, the "river people" - entities that suck the soul out of a person, can take over the body of a person for a short amount of time to transfer from victim to victim, must return to water of some kind within 67 minutes. 6 people - at least 3 die, one goes missing. two very gruesome/explicit death scenes. No real relationships, maybe the last two left. No hope ending. (angst/horror/character death) hopefully original characters.
o Chef Fic
here. (fluff/angst/comedy) travis, william, gabe, pete, nate, victoria, alicia, ashlee, alex, jon, spencer, frank, gerard, lindsey. - backburner
o Pregnancy fic
two females, one pregnant. awkward getting closer, mood swings, hopeful-ish ending but no established relationship (gen/angst) possible original characters, probably alicia/lyn-z - backburner
o break up fic
possibly gerard/bert: break up, neither want to, flash backs to happy relationship times. person who leaves first (bert/bert-resembling character) dies. (angst/character death)
o Klepto fic
no real plot line yet, beyond klepto!Gabe gets caught by travis. bill involved somehow (mutual friend? (gen/angst/fluff) Gabe/Travis
o Druggie/AIDs fic
Travis indirectly gets William involved with drugs, the two are in some weird kind of faux-relationship (fucking and there for each other but with the clear knowledge that both are seeing other people etc. no feelings, just bros-that-have-sex. enter gabe who meets bill at his new job, the disapproving friend that still sticks by him 9major crushage) constantly tries to help william but beckett is always disappointing him and keeps taking the drugs. love does not prevail, William still does drugs, but Gabe doesn't give up on him. (angst/fluff/possible character death) Gabe/William, Travis/William
Glee Fics
puck/kurt - around Sectionals - taking one for the team
puck/kurt finn/kurt - futureverse - cheating!fic, kurt gets bored with finn. no connection between puck/kurt at all, just hot 'n' dirty, the contrast to finn's :3 sweetness
puk/kurt slight finn/kurt- current - puck comes out v. publically to get kurt's attention, jocks react badly. thinking he is sticking up for his friend, declares he is bi to take the attention off puck. kurt gets all starry eyed for finn, puck all >:'(
puck/kurt kurt/omc - set during regionals - possessive!puck pushes kurt away, cheats with lead vocal adrenaline guy (possibly puck punishes kurt?)
mark/chris - rps - chris reads fanfic. chris thinks that mark will react the way that people write it. mark is straight, rejects, freaks out. chris = :c
puck/kurt - set during Wheels - puck catches kurt singing DG after the diva-off, confronts on why he threw the note. kurt confesses, then gets angry that Puck saw him in his weak moment. puck tries to comfort him.
Again, thoughts/feedback/contributions/requests all very welcome.