a thank you

May 30, 2009 12:37

Just a little poem I scribbled on the back of receipt tape last night while working the register....

Face down
across my bed
I hear your voice inside my head
You're singing me to sleep again
a hundred times
i've dreamt your dreams
I can see the shine on your guitar,
feel the strings
reverberate in my heart.
You know,
you've got a special spot there-
embarassed to admit it
but it's true.
I save a spot for you as
i've no other idea how to thank you
For the hope
the peace
the honest relief your music brings.
Every little bit you share
every unselfish action
How can I give back?
Nothing can compare
to the happiness you've brought my life.
I can only thank you
and hope
you'll stick around for,
forever ♥

inspired by: sam bradley, inspired by: bobby long, inspired by: robert pattinson, inspired by: marcus foster, author: silentscream821, poetry

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