Player History Meme!

Dec 25, 2010 22:10

NOT LIKE I HAVE A LOT TO DO HERE, but reading everyone's was so neat, so I thought I would try it too :D I like looking back, anyway, haha. Ahh and in the meantime, I'll also use this to apologize for all the threads that I have hanging currently, since this week turned out to be infinitely busier than I anticipated! I'm going to try to get to them by tomorrow night, so if you don't get one from me by then, feel free to poke me here or elsewhere since I may have lost it 8(;;

Nishijou Takumi from "ChäoS;HEAd" (ero_to_hero)

App Percentage: 93.2%
Played From: 11/02/2008-02/09/2009
That's How Long? make me do math... Pretty much three months!
Total Comments: 709
Overall Pecentage: math B(
Reason For Apping: Well, I was severely in love with Chaos;HEAd! And I still am, but man do I need to replay that game. Takumi is a character that I can relate to a lot, actually; plus I really like playing characters who have a heavy thought process, so I was eager to try him out! As for why that place was CFUD? IT'S BEEN A WHILE, but I'm pretty sure I was topped into that even way back when haha |D;
Reason For Dropping: Every day of playing Takumi was so nerve wracking!! I often struggled with worries that the character himself was too annoying for people or maybe that my playing style was awkward, and sometimes it was just that Takumi is such a nervous character that I felt like I was absorbing more nervousness (if that's even really possible for me). BUT! Despite all that, I was actually forced to drop anyway, because I had just started an internship at Disney World so I had absolutely no time to be around.
Select Option 3? I still have a lot of awesome memories from my time back then as Takumi, and I still remember how nice and welcoming everyone was, and really, I'll never forget it. It's why I knew I wanted to come back here someday, but in all honesty, I didn't think I ever actually would since I figured the app would hold me back. AND NOW LOOK AT ME yeahhhh |D;

Russell from "Disney/Pixar's Up" (campinbythebook)

App Percentage: 86.0%
Played From: 07/27/2009-01/20/2010
That's How Long? Six months?
Total Comments: 557
Overall Pecentage: something
Reason For Apping: Dug topped me into it!!! Very quickly you will notice this having been topped pattern... Ah, well, I was really scared and nervous to try, but I figured if I just DIDN'T TELL ANYONE then when I got out, no one would know it was me...! (NINJA) But despite that logic which remained in my heart a bit!, I was still hopeful to get in, and it seemed fitting to try for a Disney character after returning from my internship.
Reason For Dropping: But in the end, I never did get comfortable with his voice. After getting more castmates (who were all so very awesome, ICly and OOCly), I felt worse about not really being up to par, and my activity was pretty atrocious, too. I figured someone else could and would do him more justice!
Select Option 3? I STILL MISS HIS KEYWORDS, THOUGH. I'll never be able to do that again!!!

Yutaka Mikoto from "Princess Princess" (whinederella)

App Percentage: 91.8%
Played From: 09/12/2009-PRESENT
That's How Long? A year and a couple months and a... couple weeks! :O
Total Comments: 1,393
Overall Pecentage: not enough :(
Reason For Apping: Princess Princess is one of those canons I will just never not love, and Mikoto's one of my favorite characters ever. I received the nicest PM with an invite to join the cast chan, and everyone was so kind and wonderful and supportive, and I knew at once that I totally wanted to try for it, but as usual, I was very scared and probably would not have succeeded without all the help and encouragement I received ;~;
Select Option 3? And yet, my biggest fear came true! Which is that my activity can get rather atrocious and often without warning, so I feel really bad that, like with Russell, I've always felt like I haven't been up to par. Even now that my activity's picking up, I'm still struggling with him, but this cast, past and present, has never been anything short of amazing, and I am honored to be a part of it.

Hinata Hideki from "Angel Beats!" (keepsontrucking)

App Percentage: 90.2%
Played From: 06/19/2010-PRESENT
That's How Long? Six months!
Total Comments: 3,007
Overall Pecentage: better than anything I'd managed yet in CFUD!
Reason For Apping: Angel Beats! was like, the anime of the season that I looked forward to every week, that I nagged my brother to watch with me RIGHT NOW!! whenever the new episode came out, and I just loved it. I loved every single character in it. So when I found out my friends were apping from it, I was like ahhhh omg you guys rock!! And then I got topped into Hinata, like, a day or two before apps. My problem was that I loved every single character, but I never actually thought I'd be able to rp any of them, and I wasn't even really sure which was more my type. BUT they know me better than I do, and I've only come to love Hinata more and more through playing him. STILL, I don't know if I'm doing him proper justice either and I need some canon reviewing, but in general, he's pretty fun and easy to play and actually... interact with, so he quickly became my main.
Select Option 3? Ahhhhh this caaaaaast this canoooooon!! I really love how this canon allows the freedom to be totally serious one moment and ridiculous the next. I love the dynamic between all of the characters, and I just love the SSS in general. I LOVE IT. I LOVE YOU GUYS. Also I love being able to use gay icons like this one ICly. (although I think I haven't actually used it ICly... yet)

Senel Coolidge from "Tales of Legendia" (nothingpersenel)

App Percentage: 88.2%
Played From: 12/19/2010-PRESENT
That's How Long? SHINY NEW!!!
Total Comments: 57... obviously this is like, all OOC so far, oh my.
Overall Pecentage: pretty good!? except not really haha
Reason For Apping: Because as I said in my OOC intro, the Ferines are very very good at topping. The truth is that Tales of games are like, my video game weakness apparently. I had started two of them before! And never got past the intro stuff. I watched my brother play through them a little, as well as a third, and I was always like MAN I NEED TO PLAY THESE GAMES but I just suck at doing so! But Shirley recommended Legendia to me and pimped Senel and-- yeah, he was... pretty awesome :D;; I so very nearly fell victim to my Tales of curse anyway...! But I persevered! And I prevailed!! And then I nearly fell victim to my Sucks at Writing Apps curse, but thanks to the help of all my wonderful betas, I triumphed somehow as well!!
Select Option 3? And that's about it thus far since I have yet to do too much;; Hopefully it will go all right ;w;//

I think I talk too much in these things. My apologies!!


I've played here HOW long? Not including the off-time, about a year and eight months? Whoa :O
Overall Comment Count: 5,273
Average Comments Per Day: ahhh D:;; Not enough? :(
Shortest Kept: NOT INCLUDING SENEL since he was just apped, Takumi :(
Longest Kept: Mikoto
Most Played: Hinata
Least Played: Russell :(
Highest Percentage: Takumi//93.2%
Lowest Percentage: Russell//86%
Number of successful apps: 5 out of 6

player history, meme

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