pesterchum: that thing with jane that is long and ends in tragedy

Jun 29, 2011 00:56

-- gambitTriumphant [GT] began pestering brokenRecord [BR] at 18:25 --

-- gambitTriumphant [GT] ceased pestering brokenRecord [BR] at 18:26 --

-- gambitTriumphant [GT] changed their mood to CHUMMY

BR: wow ok

-- gambitTriumphant [GT] began pestering brokenRecord [BR] at 18:26 --

GT: oops!

BR: were you trying to click my dave

BR: and missed or what

GT: what?

GT: no!

GT: i was trying to click you!

GT: who is your davea, anyway?

BR: nevermind i dont have one

BR: aside from me

BR: im my dave

BR: my dave is me

GT: i thought it might have been perfectcrime, since i have him, too, but his name starts with a 'p'

GT: you start with a 'b'.

BR: a p is just a turnways b

GT: i could not have missed that far, dumbass!

BR: youd be surprised

BR: letters are sneaky bitches

BR: they could be anywhere

BR: at any given time

GT: oh no!

GT: /looks at her letters suspiciously

GT: oh man, there is a p in there!

GT: what if it is really a b in disguise?

GT: or maybe a q?

GT: or a d?

BR: you never know dude

BR: bude

BR: puqe

BR: qube

GT: shit, bave!

GT: qave, they are here!

BR: please call me that forever

GT: and they are taking over!

GT: hahahaha!

GT: no qrodlem, pave.

BR: awesome

GT: oh man, it would really suck to be dyslexic and read that, i think.

BR: so not only are you fruit racist but you are pejudiced against dyslexic people too

BR: im learning so much about you im not sure i wanted to know egbert

GT: of course i am not!

GT: and i am not against fruits, either!

BR: you keep insisting that but theres something telling me otherwise

GT: dave, i will buy every colored fruit ever and make a giant smoothie and drink it as proof.

GT: actually, i might just do that anyway!

GT: that sounds great.

BR: every colored fruit

BR: sorry honeydew youre not invited

GT: it will be a delicious testament to my believe in pigmented equality for all fruits.

BR: neither are you lychee

GT: honeydew has a color!

GT: it's green, stupid!

BR: pasty ass motherfucking fruits not getting anywhere near this smoothie of color

BR: its green except its mostly white

GT: but it is still green!

GT: i did not say super saturated colored fruits!

GT: i said all the colors!

BR: ok fine honeydew can come

BR: lychees still not invited

BR: or dragon fruit

GT: they can come!

BR: theyre not colored

GT: yeah, they are!

BR: nope

BR: theyre white

GT: it counts!

BR: do you know what white is

GT: there is some brown webbing thing on it, sometimes!

GT: and i am counting white as a color.

GT: i am not going to let lychee be left out!

GT: or dragon fruit!

GT: all the fruits ever are invited!

GT: all of them!

BR: ok whatever you say

BR: sounds kind of gross though

BR: tomatos a fruit cant leave that out

GT: well, there are tomato juices, too!

BR: yeah tomato with like dragonfruit and strawberries and watermelon and shit

BR: sounds fucking

BR: horrible

GT: no, it will be the BEST smoothie ever.

GT: because it is all inclusive!

BR: you go ahead and make it

BR: count me out for taste tests

GT: no, dude, you have to drink it, too.

BR: lemon canteloupe prune shit

BR: why do i have to drink it youre the one with something to prove

GT: well, um, how do i know that you're not a fruit racist?

BR: excuse me

BR: what do you think youre accusing me of

GT: i mean, you seemed to be sincere in your belief for the equality of fruits!

GT: but i dunno, dude, the idea of an all-inclusive smoothie seems to gross you out!

BR: yeah but that doesnt mean i have to like the taste of all of them

GT: dave, i am really very disappointed in you.

GT: so disappointed.

BR: i respect all of their identities as fruits

BR: unlike some people

GT: i do!

GT: and i will drink this smoothie!

GT: and prove it to everyone!

BR: film it or no one would believe you

BR: actually i can just film it for you

GT: you're the photographer!

GT: yeah!

GT: lets do it!

BR: i want to make sure you get all the fruits anyway

BR: hey youd tell me if you got a girlfriend right

BR: i mean boyfriend

BR: whateverfriend

BR: notahomosexualfriend

GT: yeah, i would.

GT: and i need to, um.

GT: talk to you about that.

BR: oh

BR: ok

GT: um...

GT: dave...

GT: do...

GT: do you, um.

GT: do you like me?

GT: like...

GT: like like.

BR: say like one more time

GT: like.

BR: i

BR: figured it was pretty obvious

BR: but this is you were talking about here

GT: oh...

GT: yeah, everybody is telling me that.

BR: im not surprised

BR: it doesnt have to make shit weird or anything

GT: and, uh, i did not believe it, but grist dave kind of hammered it into me pretty hard for someone who does not have a hammer specibus.

BR: wow thats awesome thanks grist dave

GT: heeheehee, yeah, he is pretty great.

GT: and, um, so are you.

GT: i am sorry i never realized. :(

GT: bluh, i am a derp, aren't i...

BR: its not a big deal

BR: at the risk of wanting to jump out of the window for typing this

BR: i like that about you

BR: shit the locks stuck

GT: hahaha!

GT: even if they weren't, i would totally catch you with my wind powers.

GT: or you would land on your feet all ninja style.

BR: and then break every bone in both legs

GT: well, how high is the window, anyway?

GT: because it might just be on the same floor.

GT: like, the main floor, i mean.

BR: ill climb as high as i need to

GT: that would actually be pretty hilarious.

GT: pfff.

GT: ok, but how high is high?

GT: i mean, if it is like only two stories, that is not very high, and anybody could make that.

BR: high enough to incapacitate and if im lucky kill

GT: gosh, ok, tangent!

GT: bluuuuuuuuh.

GT: you are not allowed to jump out of windows!

BR: ok mom

GT: i am kind of your cross-dimensional mom, now that i think about it.

GT: since i did make you all in the lab, heeheehee.

BR: oh yeah

BR: way to make this even weirder

GT: but you were all so cute! you were probably on the pony, too.

BR: like having a thing for my best bro except as a girl wasnt awkward enough

BR: yes there was a pony

GT: so cuuuute!

BR: it was great

GT: ponies are pretty sweet. :)

BR: i was the fucking ponymaster

BR: neigh neigh motherfuckers

GT: hahaha, careful!

GT: if you tell rose, she might get jealous. :)

GT: even if she will never own up to it directly.

BR: yeah shed lose it

BR: especially at the part where the pony dies

BR: tragic

GT: D:

GT: why is the pony dying?

BR: it died

GT: oh, right.

GT: R.I.P. pony. :(

GT: wait, augh.

BR: next day though

BR: best brunch ive ever had

GT: ...

GT: dave.

GT: you did not eat the pony.

GT: tell me you did not eat the pony.

BR: i dont know man i lie to you a lot in game

BR: i dont think my conscience could take it

GT: dave, you cannot eat ponies!!!

GT: that is like killing unicorns!!!

BR: except not at all

BR: because unicorns dont fucking exist

GT: it is on the order of killing unicorns if they did and they might, somewhere!

BR: they dont

BR: also people eat ponies

GT: they could!

BR: thats a fact of life youll have to deal with egbert

BR: or they did before all the people and ponies died

GT: you can't make me!

BR: which was true before when people dying was a thing that stuck

GT: you are very right about that. :(

BR: dont worry i wont eat any of your talking pony friends

BR: especially not pinkie

GT: yeah, pinkie is so great!

BR: she is the best pony

GT: she is really very great!

GT: wait, no, augh!

GT: we need to get this feelings jam back in session!

BR: this is a feelings jam

BR: these are my deep feelings on ponies

GT: even if i really do like talking to you about everything ever.

GT: ok, your feelings on ponies are noted and awesome.

GT: i am recording them forever.

GT: with a magic quill.

BR: great

GT: if nothing else, the last thing the universe will remember if it collapses in on itself is that dave strider loves ponies, especially pinkie pie.

BR: thats the only thing the universe needs to remember

GT: i could not think of a better memory. :)

GT: er, except for the memory of talking about us again, because we keep getting sidetracked.

GT: pffft.

BR: yeah whoops

GT: it's ok.

GT: it is one of the reasons what i like about you. :)

BR: oh

BR: ok

GT: but...if you knew that i might not have caught on, why didn't you just tell me?

BR: yeah that conversation wouldve gone over awesome

BR: 'hey jane we should stop talking about your unboobs because it does weird things to my hormonal bundle of joy down south'

BR: 'augh, dave, what the hell!!!'

BR: and etc

GT: dave, jeez, i have boobs!

GT: and would you really have said it like that? i mean reaaaaaaally?

BR: word for word i had a script written out

BR: including your potential answers

GT: i want to see this script!

BR: that shits private why would you ask for that

GT: because it involves me and what i might say!

GT: wait.

GT: waaaait.

GT: waaaaaaaait.

GT: you do realize what you just did, right?

BR: what

BR: what did i do

GT: you wrote fanfiction!

BR: oh my god

GT: and not just not any fanfiction.

GT: self-insert fanfiction!!!!

GT: OH MY GOD!!!!!!


BR: holy shit jane cant you consider this like a normal person

GT: and forget this?

GT: pfffffffffffffffffffffffft, not on your life!

BR: this was my big shitty confession youve seen a million brainmelting romcoms you should have this shit down

GT: ok, i am making a footnote under the ponies thing.

BR: great awesome

BR: spread your lies to the universe

BR: slander my good name

GT: your name is still pretty great, dave!

GT: hahahaha, oh man.

BR: except youre about to drag it through the mud

GT: i do not think there will be mud at the end of the universe.

BR: thats like saying hey this gold watch is still expensive after having a pony shit on it

GT: ewwwwwwwwwww!

BR: does it even count as a self insert fanfic if im already part of the universe

GT: yes.

BR: ok i know youre the fanfic expert here

BR: a weight has been lifted from my chest and suddenly i understand everything

GT: nah, that would be ross, but ok.

GT: and rose, i guess.

BR: i can really embrace my fanfic calling now

BR: i know this is what i was meant to do

GT: hahahaha, i will be sure to let rose know this wonderful news!

GT: she might even beta read for you.

GT: this is now a beautiful thing you two can share as siblings.

BR: i need the link for homesmut stat i have a feeling theres an impending torrent of dave/jane heading its way

GT: isn't it great?

GT: wait, whoa!

GT: daaaave!

BR: seriously what is it

BR: i know its out there somewhere

GT: pfffft.

GT: man, who is writing that?

BR: i wonder

BR: who could it be

BR: who could it possibly be

GT: i dunno!

GT: i am not sure i want to know!

GT: but, if i were writing it, i would write "And then Jane once again tried to bring things back to the original topic, eyebrow raised in suspicion that her companion was trying to dodge the topic like so many smuppet bullets."

BR: smuppet bullets

BR: why would you ever make me imagine a smuppet gun

GT: i had to think of something that you might really want to dodge!

GT: and it could be a normal gun, it just shoots smuppet bullets.

GT: but you can imagine a smuppet cannon if you want to, i guess.

BR: no thanks

BR: but i mean if youre into that kinda thing

BR: im the last guy wholl judge

GT: ok, if you do not want to imagine it, i guess we can get back on topic, then!

GT: dave, i will tie you down in your chair if that's what it takes!

BR: what if i told you that was my fetish

GT: uh.

GT: uh...

GT: um.

GT: bluh, no, strong mind, strong heart!

GT: i would be ok with that as long as we still talked about it!

BR: ok well its not but thanks for entertaining the idea

GT: oh, it isn't?

GT: uh, ok!

BR: i like that you apparently want to talk about my fetishes now though

GT: well, i would still be ok with it regardless.

GT: no!

GT: i mean, like, if you have them, that is um, totally fine.

GT: but.

GT: augh!

GT: this is another dodging tactic.

BR: youre catching on quicker

BR: this is so easy i barely have to say anything and you get distracted for me

GT: well, it is because you are a fun diverter.

GT: funverter!

GT: whatever, anyway!

GT: i am not going to let you do it this time, dude.

BR: knight of funverting

BR: ok good luck with that

GT: all your nefarious diversions will go up in smoke, because i am going to talk to you about this.

BR: go for it

GT: right!

GT: bluh, ok, what even got discussed? i almost do not remember!

GT: one sec.

GT: alright, but, um...

BR: hang on i gotta find my pants

GT: dave!!!

GT: goddammit, forget your pants!!

GT: dave, i...

GT: i really like you.

GT: um...

-- brokenRecord [BR] is now an idle chum! --

BR: woah ok

BR: pants retroactively forgotten

BR: i was going to talk about the anime shirt i found too but maybe later

BR: i guess you could say that was pretty bad

BR: ...

BR: ...

BR: ..................

BR: timing


GT: pfffft, hahahaha!

GT: dave that was so great!

BR: yeah

BR: what about vriska

GT: oh, um.

GT: uh, which one?

BR: which one

BR: the one you were playing love ninja with

BR: tossing heart shurikens and shit

GT: oh!

GT: sorry about that, bluh. :(

BR: that wasnt my question

GT: no, no, augh.

GT: i am still sorry because i wanted to talk to you about it first, but i guess i got ahead of myself.

GT: but...i like her too.

BR: yeah

GT: ...and vris, too.

BR: oh

BR: ok

BR: welp

GT: yeah.

BR: thats cool

GT: no, it isn't, i mean, it is, but.

GT: augh.

GT: i am forgetting how make those sounds with my lips. or i guess with my fingers.

BR: what

GT: words, bluh.

BR: oh those things

BR: im not a fan

GT: ok, well, i will try to be fans enough for the both of us. with t-shirts and flags and everything, eheehee...

GT: but, um.

BR: but what

GT: maybe it is selfish for me to want to have all my gushers and eat them too, but i do.

BR: hahaha

BR: remember when you were asking about troll threesomes

BR: suddenly so ironic

BR: you sure you want all of bettys gushers

GT: auuuuuugh!!!

GT: also, man, this is so different.

GT: because that was a fivesome!!

GT: and this is only four!!

GT: it is totally different!

BR: wow ok

BR: youre proposing a foursome

BR: unironically

GT: no!

GT: i mean.

GT: it would be nice, i can't lie, but...dave, i am not expecting that of you at all.

GT: that would not be fair.

GT: that would be so unfair!

GT: i cannot ask you to like someone for me.

GT: i am still trying to figure out feelings, but i know that much about them. they do not work like that.

BR: ok im gonna put on the cloak of sincerity over here

BR: straight up

GT: ok.

BR: i seriously like you jane

BR: a lot

GT: oh...

BR: i said it didnt have to be weird but it kind of already is

BR: for me anyway

BR: im not gonna stop hating spidertrolls any time soon

BR: thats still a thing

BR: theyre both vriskas so they wont care just have your troll threesome with them

BR: itll be awesome jello wrestling will probably be involved

BR: fuck

BR: this shitty game isnt helping

BR: i think my brain just decided to flipturn upside down

BR: for good

BR: and id like to take a minute

BR: just sit right there

BR: to tell you how i became the prince of the town called

BR: shitchups

BR: that was pretty weak

GT: i am sorry, dave. :(

GT: bluh, this is all my fault.

BR: no its not thats stupid

GT: i just...maybe if i was not so stupid and pathetic and could pick, or something!!

GT: but you all make me really happy, and i just, i could not stand the thought of hurting any one of you ever. :(

GT: maybe that is more for my sake than it is for your guys, i dont know, i already said that i am really very selfish for wanting this...

BR: i dont know if i prefer this or if you just rejected me

GT: i...

GT: i really am the worst.

BR: that was dumb to say

BR: no youre not

BR: this is dumb

GT: no, i am.

GT: i am so sorry, dave.

BR: fuck

GT: i just. i do not know what i was thinking with this, this was a terrible idea i.

BR: i totally fucked this up

GT: i'm sorry.

GT: no, you didn't!! i am being so greedy and selfish and stupid and i have ruined everything and i am so so so so sorry. fuck me! oh my god.

-- gambitTriumphant [GT] ceased pestering brokenRecord [BR] at 00:50 --

BR: wait dont

BR: do that

BR: jane

BR: come on

BR: jane come on

BR: fuck
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