Riku: [ wanderlustroad ]: silver haired young man with a sword, protective type of guy as he put himself between Derek and the vampires as they are running away, told him about Chicago a little and where to stay, answered post about the planets in the fountain
Axel: [ burnoutthenight ]: answered post, warned of bad things
Jason Grace: [ notthatjason ]: answered post, warned of bad things, answered his post about weather
Thomas Raith: [ godofcologne ]: was destroying a chair with a sword in the gym, humorous guy, told him some things about Chicago
Elaine Mallory: [ be_enthralled ]: online post, bean go boom, was found stunned by another person
Stella: [ ofsunandmoon ]: met at exploded bean, has sun powers, didn't know how to use the communication device at first, went searching for things with her
Hellboy: [ crownedwithfire ]: found Elaine after bean went boom
Jennifer Walters: [ legallygreen ]: knew Neal and set up his funeral in a way that he would approve of, helped retrieve artifacts from burning Cultural Center, turned green and really strong in the process, also has some kind of relationship with non-powered Deadpool and lost her own ability to shift forms, has an artifact
Wade "Deadpool" Wilson: [ omgitsdeadpool ]: asked if Neal was sending a message to anyone else
Kid Flash (Wally West): [ quickerthanyou ]: answered post about the planets in the fountain
Iskierka: [ letthemburn ]: answered post about the planets in the fountain, dragon, likes asking questions, schooled him
Roxas: [ thirteenth_brat ]: answered his post about reflective surfaces
Karrin Murphy: [ tinybutfierce ]: met when the Countdown was nearing its end, came from the real Chicago, got coffee with
Kaywinnit Lee "Kaylee" Frye: [ voiceofserenity ]: helped retrieve artifacts from burning Cultural Center, is now a target because of her watch
Linkara: [ iamaman_punch ]: helped retrieve artifacts from burning Cultural Center
Ninja-Style Dancer: [ bailarinja ]: a ninja that speaks with note cards
Pinkie Pie: [ sailorlaughter ]: yes, the tiny pink horse who is humming a song is in Chicago
Fred Weasley: [ noimgeorge ]: made a post about possibly finding a way out
Kaldur'ahm [Aqualad]: [ barefootbadass ]: Derek answered his post when fog took the lake too, doesn't think screaming for help will help, was there to help find the 11th pillar, vs Genbu