Application ^__^

Sep 15, 2005 20:55

::Le Application:::

Basic Applicable Items
Name: Taite
Age: 15
Habitat: Some soulless building in the UK
Pets: I HAD a cat

All The Good Stuff
Why are you one of the real people in the world? Because I'm corporeal and rejected by the rest of society who walk around with their heads in the clouds and no I'm not bitter at all.
What is your best physical feature. why? My wrists. Cause they're so skinny and weak looking, but it's bone, and that's whats holding up my whole body... kinda funny when you think about it
What is your worst physical feature. why? My eyes. Because they give too much of me away
Now, are you really how you describe yourself? If I'm not, my perception of me is wildly different from everyone else's
Seen any good sunsets lately? They were so kaleidescopically (spl?!) breathtaking that the best word to describe them is quiet
Any irrational fears? All my fears are irrational
Any irrational loves? If there was anything rational about love at all, I wouldn't bother. But I would suppose my loves are inherently irrational, at least to the homophobes out there

Color: Green
Quote or saying: I shoulda, woulda, coulda.
Livejournal user: My only friend> glassed_in
Movie(s): My Own Private Idaho

If someone you were to make a soundtrack for last week in your life, what would be on it?

[1]Underworld - Born Slippy
[2]Love and Rockets- So Alive
[3]Placebo- I Do
[4]Bush- Come Down
[5]Joy Division- Love Will Tear Us apart
[6]Peaches- Fuck the pain away
[7]Iggy Pop- I wanna be your dog
[8]The Misfits- Dig Up Her Bones
[9]Sneaker Pimps - Post- modern Sleaze
[10]Sigur Ros- Vidrar vel til loftarasa

Ever hear something that has influenced you actions or life? If so, what?

Multiple things from my father, mother and brother have influenced my life, and most of them have not made me feel much hope in getting old.

All the little things make the world go ‘round
What does the colour pink mean to you? The unadulterated rape of the colour red by the colour white
Should we be jealous of you for some reason? You should be jealous of me because I am the greatest. Now you have a reason for living. But I kid. Unless you envy me my existence, then no
Make us laugh... *tickles* ... it's probably more effective if I'm physically there
Are you in love? I wouldn't know
Are you infatuated? Deeply
Are you in hate? Intensely

Hold up the flag
Any opinions on...
Gay Marriage? It would be nice if I could, yes
Drug use? I am vehemently opposed to the use of paracetamol
Teen pregnancy/abortion? Those are two seperate things... I'll get back to u with a couple of A4 sheets with my thoughts on THAT
Miniskirts? I only wear them in the summer.
Pen or Pencil? Pen

Personal Creativity
Ever make or paint something that were so proud of you wanted to enlarge it and plaster it all over the town walls? If so, describe it. No :S I have no aspirations or delusions to being an artist
Any favourite artists? Dali
Favourite medium (ex: photography, paint, pencils...): Clay

Any pictures of you or other interesting you-things can go here. Please, no more than 3 for bandwidth’s sake.

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