Jan 25, 2005 15:33
fun day...got up at 7 and went to take the earth science exam..i knew it was a bad sign when i didnt know the first question..:-\!!! then after me brittany lydia meghan kellie and jamie went to the middle school..ahh man so effing weird being there! then weall went to kellies..omg so much friggin fun!PAD BOMBS!! AHAHA..whipping every1 with ourbelts jamie! haha then after jamie left we watched scary movie cuz jen came home so no more partying! then me brittany and kellie went on a walk for what 10 min lol and we saw chris's dad in his fedex truck! lol then icame home and ate dinner and now im bored cuz i got no exams tomro..WHOHOOHOO!!! FUN SHIT RIGHT THERE! well im out..ttyl !
xoxo <3 Iffer