May 21, 2011 11:25
nothing new to report other than i've been going to the gym because i got really fat. i also started doing zumba with my mom which is pretty funny. i used to go out dancing to burn calories now i have to aerobercise booty-dance without booze or cigarettes because i'm a damn hermit and never leave huntersville.
all of the dudes who were sure bets for giving me rides moved into one house in plaza midwood (and one got a DUI) so now they're not sure bets. graham will come get me sometimes but not as much lately. i hate it i hate it i hate it! if i just lived in the neighborhood things would be fine, but fucking huntersville is the worst and everyone acts like it's a thousand million miles away, as if i didn't drive down to charlotte almost every day every week to see them. i've talked about this before i feel like. whatever, it still makes me mad. but only a couple more months til i get my license back!
oh, today's the fake rapture. everyone's talking about it. fucking idiot christians and their world-ending predictions. i actually saw someone on twitter say 'Thanking God for waking me up today!' i imagine god stealing into their bedroom and gently shaking their shoulder. 'wake up, honey!' 'awww, god, just 5 more minutes, okay?' *god blows up the world*