
Oct 01, 2005 08:36

My back really hurts. I think I like popped it out of place last night, but it won't go back! I ate lucky charms this morning because I thought I might like them for a change, but nope, I was wrong. We most definitly killed Pelham last night. It was a great game. We also had to hike a huge hill, and climb through grass that I couldn't see the ( Read more... )

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keeplookingup10 October 3 2005, 21:50:25 UTC
o tama, what would i do without you... here, i'm going to fill it out about you because i feel like it.
1. Who are you? i'm kandice paige kelley born december 10, 1987. i live in my house with my family about 7 minutes away from you on a good day when i don't go the speed limit through eagle point.
2. Are we friends? of course we are. we're best friends for crying out loud!
3. When and how did we meet? you were alyce's best friend and you came over to her house and i lived across the street
4. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. tams because it's cute and easy to say
5. Describe me in one word. vivacious. look it up.
6. What was your first impression? uhh not exactly sure
7. Do you still think that way about me now?nope
8. What reminds you of me? the little rascals, frogs, impalas, tombstones, sonic, animal crackers and icing, picnics, swings, blue, samford basketball and lots of other stuff that i can't think of
9. If you could give me anything what would it be? assurance that nothing would ever hurt you in life
10. How well do you know me? very well i must say
11. When's the last time you saw me? about 2 hours ago
12. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't? yea
13. Are there any memories with me that stand out? shopping with you, cruising through your neighborhood, worldchangers, babysitting noah, playing scattergories, wearing christopher's bowties, quitting recreation station, sitting in a downwards position in your driveway, taking walks through your neighborhood, samford basketball games
14. Have I impacted you? in more ways than you will ever know
15. Are you going to put this in your journal and see what I say about you? i already did
16. If you could change something about me, what would it be? that you would be my age
17. Would you ever hate me? never ever in a million years
18. Would you beat me up? never, even though sometimes i do but i don't really beat you up
19. Would you sing with me? of course, i already do. we're the best singers ever. we should go pro
20. Would you take a bullet for me? i would like to say i would
21. Do you wish I was cooler? you're cool enough, and if you were cooler, people would wonder why you were friends with me
22. Do you love me?whoa a lot
23. What is my worst quality?you can't make decisions
24. What is my best quality?you're lots of fun
25. Have you seen me cry? yes
26. What was I crying about if yes? lots of things
27. If I was hanging off a cliff, what would be the first thing that you would do? i would freak out and probably have a panic attack, and then i would try and help you but if not i would call the joe frasier b/c i'm sure he could be strong enough to pull you up. if not, maybe bibleman


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