Right Face Wrong Time

Mar 08, 2006 09:40

She Wants Revenge
Martini Ranch Scottsdale, AZ

I feel guilty posting a review for this show. Does showing up for the last 4 songs actually count as going to a show? I feel like a poseur. I worked a double today and tried my best to make the show but yes ended up falling short. What is with the early shows here?! Doors were at 7:30 pm! What's with the all ages shows?! I miss good old fashion Midwestern 21 up shows that have doors at 8 but you know the starting band won't be on until 9 and the headliner will start at the very earliest 11pm. Those shows were easy to go to. You could go to work and do whatever you had to that day/evening and then make it to the show easily for the headliner. But yeah I made it to the show and when I first walked in what first hit me was that Matt was right on. Matt has never seen Interpol live but he told me that he bet that the lead would sound like the lead from Interpol live and he did. He really did. They were not nearly as good as Interpol live but they still impressed the socks off of me. I really didn't think they would sound that good live because I got the impression that they were overproduced but they sounded better than they did on the album. The 4 songs I heard I cannot name except that they ended the show with Tear You Apart. The crowd was 85% female and they/we all went crazy when this song came on. Ah I always hate it when people only go crazy for only the hits, but that is a very fun song. Overall the last 4 songs were really good. However, and this is usually what I save for the jeers but the venue sucked. Martini Ranch Sucks! I had plenty of warning about this venue but what everyone failed to tell me was that you have to jockey for position to see the live band. Martini Ranch has the stupidest setup for a venue that I have ever seen. Think the Quest with their stupid posts in the view of the stage but replace the posts with walls! Walls and walls and walls blocking the stage. Venues should be wide open. Wide open, good view and acoustics no matter where you stand. Really Martini Ranch is like a miniature Union but with a less attractive staff and not as cool main room. Think the front room of the Union jammed in front of the stage in the main room of the Union and that being all the venue consisted of and you have the Martini Ranch. I was seriously irritated. Drinks were pricey too but they also poured heavy. Ugh I hate this venue, next sweet band that plays the Martini Ranch or Tucson I will go to Tucson. Cheers of the show: Great Sound Quality, Great Stage Presence. Jeers of the Show: Lame lame venue, girl that I literally had to push off of me, and the fact that I only made it for the last 4 songs.
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