I was bored, and then I realize I have this whole bunch of RAW dramas that I’ve downloaded. To be perfectly honest, I can be really critical about things. It’s almost impossible for me to tolerate even the people around me. Anyway, since I was bored and considering the fact I haven’t actually updated my LJ since the beginning of time, I figured, why not, I might as well update it with a bunch of icons.
Still, forgive me for the suckiness. It had been a while since I last used my PS. I can’t even remember which goes where anymore... Ahhh~~ It must have been a at least a year since I last seriously use my PS... Anyways, without further a due... Seeing I’ve been creepily addicted to the series - and currently still refusing to watch season two - though I’ve downloaded it - the icons from season one of “Code Blue”.
Aizawa’s fans, raise your hand!
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