Feb 21, 2005 15:18
Ok so this weekend was good.
I went and saw Sean and it was sooo good to see him. I forgot how much fun we used to have. I also brought Chrissy with me because I hadnt seen her in 5 months. I forgot how much fun we have together..I had missed her.
So when I came back from Sean's, Chrissy and I headed to Brian's. When I get there he's playing beer pong with some slut who likes him. Needless to say I was pissed. She had asked where I was and he said "visiting a friend in lancaster with Chrissy." she goes "really? well if you need someone to chill with tonight, I'll chill with you." Ok you little whore, back off of my boyfriend. These girls don't respect anything. Brian is MY boyfriend, I'm HIS girlfriend, he doesn't want you so respect our relationship. She thought she was all good b/c she was on the table about 4 times b/c Brian knows how to play beer pong. It's ok though b/c Chrissy and I got on the table and kicked their asses. (not to mention stayed on the table just as long as them then, until cheaters knocked us off =P) She made a grand total of one and didnt blow any of ours out. Wonderful form my girl.
I love it though, no matter what, Brian makes it known that he's not interested and always reassures me of his love.So screw you, you little high school sluts, you'll never learn.
Oh well, any of them do it again, they'll soon get a lesson from me. I've had it with this shit.
I love my baby and he loves me, get over it and give up already.