Apr 04, 2006 23:50
So, here it goes. Well, let's start with the good stuff. I started my new job last friday. It was rather swell.
So, today was not so great. Three of my good friends here had a hearing today regarding a bit of trouble they caused about a month ago. So, since this was quite important to them and many of us who are friends with them, there were about twenty-five people who went to support them by standing outside and waiting for the verdict. So, I went at four o'clock. To make a long story short, I was there until nine o'clock when they came out (They weren't in there the whole time, but went back in for the verdict) and told us that two of them--the more involved ones--are getting suspended. Thus, two of my closest friends are now leaving the school. Oh, by the way, one of them was the guy I was planning on rooming with next semester, so now I have no roommate. Joy.
Oh, yeah, and the school's involvement with this was not 100% kosher. There was definately a lot of bias and slant in the hearing, and the verdict was more or less decided last week. They just thought it'd be funny to have these three and twenty-five of their closest friends sit in a room for five hours pacing and wondering.
Yeah. Well, talk to you kids later.