Jan 06, 2003 00:55
holy monkey balls why am i not in the bed???
i have classes at 8 am this semester and so i have to get up at like 5:30. suck me sideways!!! um....yeah.
i have no school supplies. i have no books. i have no idea what im doing tomorrow. hahaa. all i know is that i better see rachels little butt in that food court or i'll scream. i miss her sooooooo freaking much. that's my B.
tonight was cool. i got out of work around 7 ish and gene met me at the mall and poor thing he was so sick so i just drove us to my house. he met the 'rents yada yada yada and we watched Kung Pow and Bubble Boy. yes....bubble boy. uh uh uh uh. haha. both were very good movies. i laughed. Kung Pow is a classic. it was freaking hilarious. go rent it. NOW! yeah, after the movies we just goofed off and then i took him back to his car. good times. cool kid. <3
tomorrow...school. im excited actually. i don't know why but whateva. i better get to bed, actually. i have alot on my mind.
seriously.......everyone, please don't hate me. i feel like alot of people really hate me right now. get both sides of the story before you judge. that's all i ask. and do NOT make me out to be a bad person.
blowin' kisses....