(no subject)

Apr 03, 2006 20:17

Political elitism ?

The two don't really work in conjunction.

I think thats whats wrong with the democratic party. I don't really distain everything they believe in.
I just don't like the fact that when you disagree with them instead of actually engaging you with conversation. You are written off as stupid and unworthy to truely engage in discorse about a subject. Until elitism cools off the democrats will have a hard time winning an election in this country. Why? It is not human nature to vote for people who openly refer to you as stupid. The reason many democrats don't win elections has nothing to do with the canidate. It has to do with the attidude of those to attach themselves to the party name as opposed to those who don't. I wouldn't a political orginization(or any other organization for that matter) when a majority of the members seemed to see themselves as the cultural elite if thats not what I considered my self. Why? Isolation?


Blah my tank is empty. I don't know why I wrote that. But now i can sleep that my head is empty
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