Feb 19, 2006 14:27
today I was told by one of the spreaders of the "good news" that i was going to hell becuase I go to church.
Now since i have a pretty well rounded knowledge of the bible, and he claimed to be christain, I could have
proven him wrong very eaisily. However, I chose to listen to his screaming and bashing (which i wouldn't consider a very christian behaving , but thats just me).
I think alot of what people do is wrong but i don't bash them about it. Now believing that something is wrong is not being intolerent by my standards. However its when you try to impose those standard unwilingly onto someone that it becomes intolerant. I don't really care about acceptance because realisticly everyones not going to accept everything you do as good. Hey, i don't accept things i don't agree with as being relevant to my life. But it would be nice if the group of people who walk the oval every week reminding me of the damnation I shall endure for participating in organized christianity(never mind that they're obviously particpating in oraganized christiannity themselves, its just reoraganized), could not scream at me. Don't get me wrong I believe it is thier right to stand out there and talk to whom ever they want it being public property and all. I however think there is a proper way to approach people, which is not by telling them they're going to hell.