Challenge 02: Previously On... Death In Paradise 9x03

Jan 04, 2021 23:24

This review contains images and spoilers for the episode in question. Be warned!

903: Tour de Murder

I don't really have time to go on an in-depth review here and I also felt like this case was very, very predictable. The episode starts with one of the three members of a bicycle racing team dying on the day of a big race. His GPS signal cuts out at the most difficult part of the track and when his coach and team nurse or whatever she is go there to see if he had an accident, they find him down a ravine, dead.

The team, when they arrive, first think it's accidental - it happens. But then Mooney finds a scrap of fabric torn from a team shirt. Except it's not the victim's, and nobody else's. So where is it from, and how did it get to the crime scene.

As soon as one of the team members mentioned that he and the vic did a training run before the race I knew he was involved. Obviously the vic died before the race, the guy changed shirts and simply carried the vic's GPS signal with him until they got to the ravine where he tossed it and there. Perfect alibi.

And the guy's girlfriend who also happened to be the team nurse and a former cyclist? Yeah, there's your accomplice. She showed up late to the race wearing one of the vic's shirts, wore sunglasses and, of course, a bike helmet. Nobody really looked at them, all focused on the start of the race, so nobody noticed the vic wasn't actually the vic. And then, shortly after the start, she separated from the pack, biked back to the start point and changed back.

They did try to misdirect with some doping pills and a secret about the vic's sister and the other teammate being the coach's son, but it really was very obvious from the start.

Still, we did get more Anna/Mooney and again it was super sweet.

And of course their date gets interrupted by police business again. *sigh*

Ruby and JP are still having that funny sibling rivalry going on. I honestly don't see how people say they're flirting. I mean, JP is married. He mentioned his wife in the last episode and Ruby is constantly flirting with other guys. Case in point, she's pretty keen to interview all these bicycle athletes... :p

At the end of the day, Mooney has another date with Anna and she tells them that the St. Marie team came in second so if they do well in the next bit of the race, they might win. Everyone is excited for that because, according to JP, they've never even been in the top three so far.

JP has a side story in this episode where he discovered the torn team shirt on a young boy selling knockoff stuff to tourists. The boy escapes but JP manages to get his bag of stuff. JP then proceeds to have a little crisis of faith because he should log the stuff as evidence... but Catherine told him the boy lives with his grandfather and they have very little money. Ultimately, JP finds the boy and talks to him, and then lets him go. Which makes JP worry that Mooney is going to reprimand him - but of course Mooney has a heart and tells JP he's proud. And that JP should go for the sergeant's exam. It's very heartwarming.

Meanwhile on the Anna/Mooney front, Anna's departure is looming. Mooney asks her to consider postponing her trip. She's not too keen on it - this is her way of doing HER thing, free from her ex-husband. She doesn't want to change her plans for any guy, not even one as nice as Mooney. They continue to be super awkward.

This episode's "got it" face:

Madeleine didn't actually wear a jumpsuit this time. :(

On the Anna/Mooney front, Anna asks Mooney if he would consider going to her next stop (Cuba) with her.

Cut to Mooney thinking about it on his porch, talks to Harry (the lizard) about it...

I think he might actually do it, and I think it would be a great end to Mooney's time on St. Marie. No death, no heartbreak, but a new beginning.

challenge 02, user: seraphina_snape, cycle 06

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