3.01: vision board

Feb 26, 2020 15:38

Fandom: Star Wars
Character: Kylo Ren
Notes: Post-TLJ. (Not TROS compliant). Vision Board resized to 600px below the cut. Please click the link to view the original size (1024px).

[vision board]


Kylo Ren in the aftermath of Crait has created a vision board in order to reassess his goals in life.

In the left half, he has pictures of what he wants his future to be: cruising [in the Millennium Falcon], friends or having a support system, a home, a family, a connection. The left half also has his most difficult goals: Talk to Luke, Try to talk to his parents (through the Force).

In the right half, he has a picture of two hands (a man and woman) for that is his greateast motivator. Around this picture he has posted easy and difficult stuff that he knows he has to face and achieve.

cycle 03, user: devon380black, graphics, challenge 01

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