3.05: in the mood for spring

Feb 18, 2020 16:41

Challenge 05: In The Mood for Spring
Notes: Moodboard resized to 600px below the cut.

[image heavy..]

I've never experienced Spring because I live near the equator and we only have 2 seasons (wet and dry). These elements are what I think Spring is based on movies, books, and tv shows.

Elements (clockwise starting from white flower)
01. white flower - I don't know the name of this flower but this reminded me of Spring because the flower was growing through the snow.
02. View of the mountains and a lake - I view Spring as being fresh and green.
03. yellow flower - A flower caught in the act of blossoming.
04. tree buds - Buds growing from a naked branch, the tree waking up from winter.
05. colors: The colors I associate with Spring. Fresh, bright, and clean.
AD47A5, C5CD00, FFF919, 82E1FD, F3997E

06. red tulips and crocuses - Spring is a field of multiple flowers blooming.
07. buds into leaves - Buds have formed into leaves on the trees. More green can be seen.
08. cherry blossoms - A popular blooming event which happens for a short time in Spring.
09. Basho quote - I feel that this haiku concisely expresses the freshness of Spring.
10. purple flowers in the grass - I just like the colors contrast between the purple and green.

cycle 03, user: devon380black, moodboard

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