We got a couple of random characters from different fandoms, and....
Fandom: Leverage and[Spoiler (click to open)]The Magicians Crossover pairing: Hardison and[Spoiler (click to open)]Dean Fogg Words: 440 Note: I spoiler-tagged the second fandom and character; might read before peeking
"Whaaaa--?" Hardison exclaimed as he stared at his phone.
"What's up, coffee cup?" asked Parker, as she breezed past to grab a yougurt out of the fridge. Ignoring the customary opportunity to chastise her on her malapropism, Hardison continued to blink at the screen, chin in hand.
Hey!" Parker veered closer and bopped Hardison on the forehead with her compostable spoon. He flinched and looked up at her, then nodded. "Something odd. I just got an email from a long-lost uncle--well, actually he's more of a cousin, once or twice removed-"
"Removed? You mean he got like kicked out of the family?" Parker's eyes widened in interest and she perched on the desk, cracking open her yogurt.
"No, not like that, it means...well, actually he did get kind of removed." Hardison looked thoughtful. "He's kinda from the weird branch of the family, Bayou folk, kind of spooky. Like, my aunt, she used to tell fortunes. And his brother, Harvey, heh-heh Cousin Harvey. He's the one taught me to pick pockets. But yeah, Cousin Henry kinda dropped from sight for years, only rumors about him getting involved in...I think 'magic'?"
"Ooooh, I love magic. Remember that time we went undercover at that College of Magic? Nate pretended to be an actual magician and did a buncha tricks? God, I so wanted to be the lady sawed in half. But no, he chose Sophie." Parker stared sadly into her yogurt.
"So, hmm, he's somehow found out we do...oh, I guess he heard it from Harvey after I saw him last year...and he's asking us to...man." Hardison shook his head, lifted the phone, and read, " 'Take the trouble to meet with me to see whether the talents of your compatriots could assist me in a dilemma which, surrounded as I am by talented individuals, I am at a loss to know how to resolve.' Lordy, he always was kinda pompous." He continued to squint at the screen. "Anyway, looks like him and his pals got taken for a ride by some crew. Right up our alley, right." He scrolled down further and whistled. "And with any luck, we could make some money off it. Listen to this: 'Kindly remember me to your mother, and know that, in gratitude, I remain...' " Hardison affected a lofty tone, "'Your affectionate cousin, Henry.' And signed 'Dean Henry J. Fogg, Brakebills University.' Well, la-di-dah."
"University! Maybe it's another magic school! We gotta convince Nate to take this job!" Parker launched herself off the desk and headed for the door, thinking excitedly about getting sawed in half, while Hardison went back to whistling soundlessly and staring at his phone.