Good Morning all,
Just using the small break I’ve taken for lunch/breakfast to eat and do a quick post.
Currently my busy spell for the week has begun, as I’m now having to repair the unbelievably slapped together and fubar’ed wire job the cable guys did. They cut off any lines leading to the antenna we had outside so I get to do more wiring without my glasses, but my grandfather dropped in on Saturday and is staying for a bit so he’s helping. Here’s to hoping I can see well enough to not shock myself.
The weekend was alright, although I seem to be able to get to sleep, I get no rest from it so I tend to be very spacey. I went to the Wizard’s Wall for a bit and participated in the capitalist machine and talked to a few people whom I hadn’t seen properly in a while. I’m trying to get more free time but things seem to not want to gravitate towards it unfortunately.
Today, in an effect to help my sister cope with her only real authority figure losing it, I have been volunteered to take her to cheerleading practice, same goes for Thursday. Oh joy…I also get to pick her up from school, and well it’s not that I don’t like her friends but I can’t see why she would waste her time on them. She’s also become an object for attraction for some of the male members in her class…therefore big brother instincts go off and I get all growly. Considering my hair is died blood red, I’m usually finishing a smoke when she walks out, am dressed all in black…etc, means that I scare most of them off. Although if their intentions were pure, why would they have any reason to be on edge? I guess I’ll never know. That and she loves gangsta rap, and so do all her friends which means I spend most of the time fighting over the radio.
Fred, Kelly, Demian, Arianna, Allyssa, and even JT :) missing you all horribly and am struggling to get life to budge up off my free time. Another thing about being an adult that you never see when you’re younger, the “freedom” adults seem to have to do whatever they want doesn’t exist.
ivyriver have fun in basic, I’ll be writing you later on this week to see how your first few days went.
hidenplainsight maybe when you’re feeling up to more peoples we can go shoot pool. I think it’ll be fun. :)
Alrighty all, time to gets going and get something more substantial than a Guinness in me before I go back to working on the wiring.
Cheers all.