OOC: Ten(ish) things about Melisan Lastin

Apr 14, 2006 00:14

Note, I advise reading Melisan's bio on the wiki (linked above). Things will make a lot more sense then...

  1. Melisan is an agnostic, in a sense. He thinks it's likely that the Gods of Light and Twilight exist, but doesn't really think they give a damn about mortals.
  2. Melisan finds it hard to give a damn about other people's morality -- people in glass houses, and all that.
  3. Melisan doesn't get along easily with people who follow traditional (Jarzoni) gender roles -- men set him on edge, and he just feels disconnected from women. However, he doesn't show this problem with people of either sex that don't follow his culture's gender roles. This actually makes him a good diplomat.
  4. There is an exception for people who remind Melisan of his mother (Parisa, a friend from back home is one). Melisan's mother (a vata'an healer) is the closest thing to the feminine ideal in his head (calm but kind, and quite capable of defending her family if necessary). It is one of Melisan's regrets that he is nothing like his mother except in looks.
  5. Melisan doesn't like telepaths. At all. Despite being one, and being the child of one -- this bothers him, as he has a feeling that, if he met his father as an adult, he would not get along with him.
  6. Actually, he has the feeling that his father wouldn't approve of his life in general, which he doesn't think about much.
  7. Melisan does have a sweet tooth, but finds most processed sugars too rich for it. His favorite foods are more tropical fruits, like bananas and mangos.
  8. When not wearing his vestments, Melisan usually dresses in rather drab, baggy clothing. He does keep a pendant of the sun around his neck at all times, however. He also refuses to go anywhere without his cryston, unless it's somewhere where weapons are positively not allowed. He's thinking about getting a dagger to slip in a hidden sheath, even if it would be useless in the Nexus.
  9. Melisan is neurotic about sex -- which is why he's asexual. He doesn't feel comfortable acting female, and sex means admitting that his outward image doesn't match up with the parts. It also means telling someone about him. Marriage scares him to no end, especially since a priest of his standing would be expected to marry a nice woman and have kids.
  10. Melisan collects secrets about people the way some people collect stamps, and he has no objection to blackmailing others (or at least making them nervous) about them. Some of them however, he has conditioned himself to forget if his shields are ever broken.
  11. Melisan hates the snow. His favorite season is spring, actually, but he would be happiest living somewhere without seasons at all.
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