OOC: Nexus Bio, salvaged

Aug 13, 2007 21:09

Since the old wiki went down, here's what I have to say about Melisan.

Melisan is an original character from the [http://blueroserpg.com Blue Rose] tabletop RPG setting, published by [http://www.greenronin.com Green Ronin]

For reference, Jarzon is the theocratic-authoritarian patriarchal country to the east of Aldis, the egalitarian main setting for Blue Rose.

A vata'an (mostly human, but descended from an old, extinct magical race), Melisan presents himself as a male priest of the Church of Pure Light. However, Melisan is actually a woman (at least, biologically), originally named Livna Lastin.

After her family was killed in a Kernish raid on her home in northern Jarzon, Melisan/Livna vowed to defeat Kern. Assuming her younger brother's identity, she entered the priesthood, and started showing a mind for politics, rising in the ranks to become assistant to the Jarzoni ambassador to Aldis. Melisan's ultimate goal is to become the Heirophant, Jarzon's head of state and ultimate religious authority, and wipe Kern off the map.

Melisan is capable of warding an area against magic and psionics, and shielding her own mind against reading and tampering. She also is able to read and tamper with minds, a power she considers distasteful, and has minor clairvoyant powers. Her final trick is a manifestation of positive light energy, useful at hurting undead and demons. He also carries a cryston, a weapon that shoots magical energy at things -- normally just to stun, but it has nasty effects on demons and undead.

Technically, Melisan is forbidden from teaching any of this to outsiders, but may offer to show some of the harmless stuff.

==Nexus LOL==
The mun usually uses male pronouns to refer to Melisan in the Nexus, both to conceal his secret, and to emphasize that Melisan presents himself as a man in all things.
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