(no subject)

Oct 09, 2004 21:06

"Religion has been a huge part of my life," said the Democratic senator from Massachusetts.

"But I can't take what is an article of faith for me and legislate it for someone who doesn't share that article of faith," he said in response to a woman who asked if he would give assurances that taxpayer money would not be used to fund abortions.

Kerry said in the debate he did not think his support for choice meant that he was "pro-abortion."

Bush seized on that line to revive his favorite depiction of Kerry as a waffler.

"I'm trying to decipher that, it doesnt really make sence," the president said.

"I signed ... the ban on partial-birth abortion," Bush added. "It's a brutal practice. It's one way to help reduce abortions. My opponent voted against the ban."

This really ticks me off!!! Kerry sits there and says that he's Catholic...and he believes in that religon, but he doesnt think it should have anything to do with what he does for America. THATS BULL CRAP!!! If ur a Christian, u dont leave it out of ANY parts of ur life. even if it is politics. When ur a Christain u cant leave it out of certain parts of ur life cuz that IS UR LIFE. that just ticks me off. In the debate (which I watched like the lozer I am), this question was asked :If ur president will u promise that none of our tax dollars will go to abortion, since some believe its murder. John Kerry said no. He said he was raised Christain, but ppl should have their rights too, not everyone has his opinions. George "Dubya" Bush said flat out YES NONE OF IT WILL GO TO THAT, CUZ ITS WRONG! but not Kerry of course says, nooooo. ABORTION IS MURDER!!!!!! it is. and Kerry can sit there and say..." Im Catholic, I did not vote for the partial ban of abortion, but Im not for it or anything!, and I respect ur opinion that abortions wrong...cuz IM CATHOLIC!!!" How wishy-washy can a guy be!??? What hes basically saying is "ppl who think abortion is fine, vote for me! but for ppl who dont...Im gonna say Im Catholic so u'll vote for me too!!!" Catholic my butt!!!!!!!!! Kerry coudlnt care less about his religion.

Bush...Bush is a guy who cares. He knos that its getting to where instead of America being "no religion", the religion is becoming Athist. this may not make sence to u..but I'll explain it later. Thats starting to be a religon now....That will be the topic of my next lil article.

(Im gonna start doing this all the time now...this is what I wanna do for a living, write stuff like this! comment and tell me what u think!! Even if u dont believe that Bush is right, *cough* GOMEZ *cough*. Who knos...maybe by the time I do a bunch of these I'll change a few ppl's minds!!! Thats my goal in life *smile*. gosh I love politics!!!!
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