Dec 08, 2009 21:27
So got a job at Michael's, the craft store, and it kinda sucks. I mean I'm glad I got a job and I'm glad I'm getting paid but that's about it. I'm on my feet for 3-4 hours, get a half an hour break, and then back on my feet for another 2-4 hours.Checking out customers, CONSTANTLY. Sucks balls. Not to mention I get 3-4 bitchy/crazy customers a day. Whatever. I'm gettin' paid! 7.50 an hour! Woo!
So to celebrate I bought some manga and a book. D.N.Angel 13, Silver Diamond 4, and The Eternal Prison. Wahh D.N. Angel! I'm so glad the mangaka decided to pick up the series again. Reading it of course only made me think of cosplay, ha ha ha. I think I would make a good Daisuke, he's so cute! I would only do it if I had a Dark though. ;) Anyone want to be my Dark?
Silver Diamond was cute but it's always cute, and I kinda had already read those chapters online. Hopefully the next book is due out soon I think that is where the scanlators left off, so yay! New content!
The Eternal Prison looks good, I've already read The Electric Church by the same guy, and that was awesome, so I expect good things. :D
Okay I thhhhhhhhhink that's it. Oh and Lisa if you're reading I sent my letter out a few days ago did you get it? :)
So sewing and reading tomorrow and staying off my feet AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!:D