yeah, i kno.

Sep 28, 2004 15:35

i kno i've missed alot of days..sorry..just havent had the time.

So the past couple of days have been super fun. I went to the Seminole game with the twins on friday.[9*24] They spent the nite, we had so much fun. I LOVE THEM. On saturday i just sat around most of the day on the internet, and i invited Erik over. When he got here it was no longer than like, 5 min and amber calls askin if i wanted to go to a pottery place w/ her and spencer. I felt bad bcz i wanted to go, but Erik was here and we were supposed to hang out. We ended up We watched Mission Impossible and ate pizza it was fun, untill Spencer decided to get introuble bcz he didnt wnat to leave w/ his parents he wanted to go home w/ After the pottery place Erik, Amber, her brother and I went back to my house to get clothes bcz i had talked my mother into letting me stay at Ambers trhough the hurricane. So we went there and hung out for a while. There was alot of tention between erik and i.;) lol. After i finished packing and stuff um, my mother took erik home, and i went to go see his pig, but he couldn't find her. =( lol. anyways.. Amber and I eventually got back to her house and she had to pack up her bags bcz we were stayin the nite at Dougs bcz Ambers house has soooo many We had fun. I missed hangin w/ her. The next morning, her mom called a neighbor to see if they had power and they did, doug didnt so we left IN THE MIDDLE OF THE HURRICANE! lol. When we got to Ambers we had a blast! we went outside w/ unbrellas and took were so goofy. iloveit. Amber and I ended up playing video games in her room w/ a broken controller bcz her brother wouldnt let us use the good EVENTUALLY they got off and amber just decided to use hers so I went and played FROGGER w/ the good controller in the other room. I WAS GETTING IRRITATED because the stupid game kept killing me. A while after that Amber and i decided to watch T.V. and then..BOOM! her cable went out. but luckly we still had power, just not t.v. or computer. =( It's okay though. I called my mom to tell her what was happenin and that i was okay, and i asked her the funniest thing. [its sunday] okay, so i go.."well mom, i guess i have to stay over here another nite bcz curfue is untill 6 tom. mornin." and she goes."yeah i guess.." and then i go "Mom, can i stay at ambers till monday?" and she goes "NO!" and i started CRACKING UP and amber goes..TOMORROW IS MONDAY! my mom didnt think it was funny but, oh Around 1 we ended up its our tradition. I finally went to bed around 3ish. The next morning was super fun, bcz amber and i went swimming and we were listenin to music and we were just bein goofy and dancin in the pool and her mom was watching through the window and i was doing some goofy robot thing and i looed up and theres her mom, and we all started laughing. it was fun. we did that about all day, but at lunchtime we went to Dallis Pizzera. MMMMM GOOOOOD. I got double bacon pizza. the bacon kept falling off but thats okay. and that was my wonderful weekend w/ my best friend amber!!!

Today was good..I think there's something wrong w/ my knee. =\ Volleyball was SOO HARD today. We ran sucides..goodness..then we did a whole bunch of drills..ahhh. i just cant wait till basketball season. Pastor is a little easier on us. =) ilovethatguy. gonna go do my home work and finish my day. ONE TREE HILL COMES ON TONITE! YAYERS! I FRIGGIN LOVE THAT SHOW! [everwood was on last nite, it was awesome! i love WB 18!]

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