I'll miss all of you!

Jul 23, 2005 00:10

Alex- I love you you’re a great friend! I’m so happy we got closer this year!
With the whole Chris and Jason thing in the end of 7th grade! Then the Kane
thing this year! I know you always know what’s best for me but some times I’ m
to stubborn and obviously want to find out the hard way! I think I’m getting
better at wanting to trust you now!

Sam- We didn’t start off on the best foot this year because of the whole Chloe
situations! But towards the end of the year we became closer especially having
weights with CJ!! That was good times! Plus our yoga! I wish we could have done
that out of school like we were planning on!

Megan- You’re such a sweetheart and I’m so happy I got to hang out with you this
year! Your party was a blast I’ll always remember it! Thanks so much for
inviting me! Even though Chloe and I came an hour early lol!

John- You’re one of the sweetest guys I know! I wish we could have had more time
at school with each other! Weights was great when you were there! I remember the
day you got expelled and it was me you and Sam on those mats on the track and
you were trying to do push-ups with your feet on the bars instead of the ground!

Tom- I personally think we have quite a funny friendship! We liked each other
for a little while then we just kind of stopped! I love getting to hang out with
you! You’re such a funny kid! I remember when Wes gave you a fat lip with the
ruler! That was a funny day!

Shannon- We didn’t get as close as I think we could have! But I’m glad I got
somewhat close to you! I’m sorry I didn’t go to your party this year I wish I
would have!

Khrystyn- It was fun getting to hang out with you again! Our sleep overs were
always really fun! I liked when we used to hang out with “The boys” those were
always fun! Justin from the neighborhood lol he was such a goof! Then me dancing
when he called us from down the road lol that was funny!

Andrea K.- Halloween I think that sums it all up lol! No I’m just kidding! The
last two years have been such a blast! Royal Oak holds such good times and bad
times lol! Homecoming oh my god that was so much fun I’ll remember that night
forever! You looked so gorgeous in your dress!

Nicole- Spanish was so great this year! With Josh and Ryan! Then our lunches
those were fun too! With Jade and Tom having the pop fight and me throwing a
ranch covered chicken fry at Andrew! God what good times I’m going to miss them
so much!

Kristen- Wow this year really made me think of what a good friend you are I know
we had some hard times but you know I’m always here for you I mean I was out of
my driveway that night coming to get you! You are a sister to me and I’ll never
forget our trip to New York thanks so much for coming with me! Honking at the
hicks in the parking lot was great! And I know you like the boy from the

Andrea B.- You confuse me but I love you! Spanish and the locker room before gym
were great we had the funniest moments in there!! When we got to hang out with
Jamie and Carly that was so much fun! Ian and that crack lighter lol! I also
loved our random burning parties’ lol!

Jamie- I know you had some trouble this year with “Bob” and “Ann” but you worked
through them! I think we all had problems with “Bob”! When me you and Chloe all
slept at Chloe’s! With the Life that was great we would starve if that the only
way we could eat lol!

Amelia- You are one of the most beautiful and unique people I know! I wish we
got to hang out more! But the days I did get to spend with you were great they
were always so much fun! I could never stop laughing! Like when we watched the
movie “ Eternal Sunshine on a Spotless mind” with my uncles name is Joel too!
For some reason I found that to be the funniest thing in the whole world!!

Lizzie- You left us for Spanish! And you got driven home by boys so you couldn’t
even go to my party! But I still love you your so cute and adorable I’m so glad
I got to meet you this year! Your a sweetheart but you also have a different
side to you that I never thought you would have had lol!

Susan- I remember when I first met you it was in the first semester in gym and I
wanted to be your friend but I didn’t know anything about you so do you remember
what we would talk about? We would talk about Chloe lol! When me and you spent the night at chloe's that was so much fun! with u putting ur foot on chloe's head and all! babe i love you so much and i wish we could have gotten closer oooo and then that one time i came over and we made fluffer nutters and u put make up on my in ur work van on the way to my house while listening to mocking bird two times in a row on the radio!! i love you so much!!

Brooke & Lindsay- You two are some of my best friends! I wish we wouldn’t have
grown apart so much! I really miss hanging out with you! One story I will
definitely remember for ever is “The two ugly birds” that was such a fun night!

Jaimee & Lindsey- You two are such cuties! I’m sorry about how we ended up this
year! With the whole birthday thing! I really do feel bad about that! I hope we
can put that behind us and stay in touch!

Amanda- I’m so sorry about everything that has been going on it’s just I’ve been
really stressed out lately with having to pick up and move! So I wish you would
forgive me!

Cooper- You’re a goofy kid! I’m so happy we got to hang out more this summer! I
find it funny that I know everything about everyone! I know more then you and
Chloe! I had so much fun when every u and Chloe and Alex were over that was
great! I can’t wait till I get to come back for homecoming!

Chloe- Best for last lol! You’ve always been there for me no matter what!
Whether it was because of boys or family or whatever you were there! So thank
you so much! And you introduced me to great music that I probably never would
have listened too only because my brother listened to it! We have had so many
good times together! Like B-A-N-A-N-A-S and im-famous! Plus are you going to feed me Chloe? And our late
night conversations with Cooper, Mitchell, and John! Cedar point was a blast
thanks so much for taking me!!
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