Jan 14, 2012 14:10
How's My Driving?
How this works: Post your characters' names and journals. Hop around to others' threads and offer praise or constructive criticism where appropriate. Receive praise or con-crit in return. If offering crit, please make sure to be civil.
Participation isn't compulsory, but it's recommended all the same.
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Sycora | sanomorior
Xanth | stillseecracks
Hit me with whatever you have!
I ask because one way to destabilise a character is to put them outside their comfort zone. Best way to do that with a character like Xanth might be to expose him to others. Is there a way you could make him more proactive about tagging new characters?
I could certainly be more proactive, though. As of the moment I'm tending to stick around people he already has CR with and that's... not conducive to a whole lot of growth, tbh, because he's mostly got friends!
I offer Bartimaeus in this regard and will tag you at the CR meme when I tackle that.
And I am glad for Barti tags ngl :> He and Xanth have interesting CR already!
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