Aug 08, 2007 22:44
Because there will be too many people, and the LA Weekly will write about us and ruin everything. Were you listening to Interpol and TV on The Radio ten years ago? I was and it was sad to see all the naysayers jump on the band wagon years later. This Club is the most VITAL night NOW in LA, and all of history. The ghost of Jim Morrison has been hanging out lately. Here is the info but BEWARE!!!
Music IS MY BOYFRIEND: the club
the downtown LA party for music lovers
Host: Alexander Laurence
Start Time: Thursday, August 9, 2007 at 10:00pm
End Time: Friday, August 10, 2007 at 2:00am
BAR 107
107 West 4th Street @ main
Los Angeles, CA
music is my boyfriend #8 @ Bar 107 / August 9th
Music Is My Boyfriend is the name of our amazing night of NEW MUSIC in
Downtown LA. It happens the second THURSDAY of every month. DJ Alexander Laurence and friends return to BAR 107....
Alexander Laurence (aka The Portable Infinite)
New Indie Rock + New Indie Dance + Select Records from the 70s & 80s + you + me + everyone
Sexy videos + free stuff + special appearances
DJ Andrea Sutterfield
It is all FREE and there are no lines. It will be packed. Downtown Artwalk precedes this event.