Just another day in the life

Sep 14, 2011 19:41

WHO: helluvachin, angha_firebird, and turian_honor
WHAT: Raptors decide that Riah looks tasty.
When: Wednesday afternoon ( Read more... )

garrus vakarian, zachariah cash, aara

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angha_firebird September 15 2011, 00:09:10 UTC
It all started with the most beautiful scenery. Open skies. Green hills.

Zhaneel was there.

There was a golden sunset. Promises of sights unseen. Aara had been feeling better. She found herself on the Keep walls, holding her arms out, pretending to fly.

Wind to your wings...

Zhaneels parting words.

It felt like mere moments later when the scenery shifted. Rage and anger surged afresh in Aara's mind. She didn't know when she took angha form. She wasn't even of her right mind, anymore. She screamed, a roaring shriek splitting the air above the Keep. Emotions and hunger tore at her gut. Her mind blanked, vision seeing red. Talons extended in a need to tear and play with flesh.

And she found the perfect prey.

Diving, another shriek rents the air as talons extend outward as she swoops to claim her prey.


helluvachin September 15 2011, 00:24:36 UTC
What. Is. THAT!?

Zachariah eyes widen in terror as the...whatever it was flew down at him. Only his instinct kept the beast from crashing down on top of him. He leaped to the side and rolled away. Rising to his feet, he broke into a run. He had to get away. If he fled back to the stables it would only follow him and tear the building apart. Time to head back to the Great Keep.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit!"


This... will be fun. >.> /is laughing, actually angha_firebird September 15 2011, 00:45:24 UTC
Talons clicked together on open air, Aara's great form faltering slightly at the lack of contact as bent knuckles harshly scrape the earth, splitting open pearly scales and oozing fresh blood.

Another screech lifts to the skies above at her prey having gotten away. One great eye rolls to the back of her head in the direction the man was located as she rises up and angles towards him once more.

Wings tuck and she drops, claws and teeth extended.


Riah begs to differ helluvachin September 15 2011, 01:06:30 UTC
Oh that did not sound good in the least. Risking a quick glance over his shoulder he saw the thing dropping down at him like a rocket. Somehow he doubted that his gun would have any real effect against whatever it was. With no real way to defend he dove again and tried to get out of the way.

Picking himself off the ground he could see the doors only a few yards away. He could make this. He survived five years in Deadworld and he would survive here too.


Lol! Poor bby. angha_firebird September 15 2011, 01:20:12 UTC
Zombie!Aara wasn't about to let her prey escape. When he dives out of the way she does nothing to check her speed. Seeing the building appear before her, a startled cry wrenches from salivating lips and she skids gracelessly on the ground, all four paws digging into the earth until her dragon skull smashes none-too-gently into the stone building Riah had been desperately heading toward.

An unearthly grunt and groan later has the zombiefied dragon whipping around, lashing out with her tail and hopping to connect with something-- as she crouches to hiss and glare and flick her tongue out menacingly.


helluvachin September 15 2011, 01:31:25 UTC
And now it was between him and his refuge. This just kept getting better and better for him.

Having never before fought something like this, Riah forgot about its tail completely. That mistake cost him brutally. The tail smashed into Riah's side, knocking him senseless and breaking more than a few ribs. He hit the ground hard, almost skipping, and rolled a few feet. Slowly he began to rise but the world around him was spinning and pain seared through his body.


angha_firebird September 15 2011, 01:38:23 UTC
Having made contact, the zombie dragon lifts its head in a triumphant trill, bearing down on its downed prey quickly and lashing out with thick, sharp claws before he gets the idea to run again.


helluvachin September 15 2011, 02:05:20 UTC
Talons cut flesh and broke bone. Zachariah's arm snapped under the weight of the blow and he was thrown back to the ground. Pain exploded through his sides again, but he screamed at his body to move. Using his good arm to push himself up, he made a mad dash for the doors of the Great Keep.

He wouldn't die here. He would not die.


angha_firebird September 15 2011, 02:14:15 UTC
Screaming triumphantly to the skies above, the crazed dragon lifts to her back haunches before landing with an audible snap of sharp fangs--on empty air. A snarl rips from her great maw, a low rumbling hum vibrating in the air as she swiftly angles her head back around to watch Zachariah's escape, slitted eyes narrowing in excess rage. She roars at the human, swishing her tail fully to one side for a moment--then flicking her tail at Zachariah to quickly a low whistle split through the air, a vicious roar-turned shriek not short to follow.


helluvachin September 15 2011, 02:29:34 UTC
Zachariah was nothing if not a quick learner. The same trick wouldn't get him a second time. He leaped into the air, just barely avoiding that vicious tail. The impact of landing sent pain coursing through his body but he wouldn't let it slow him. With a final burst of speed he crashed through the doors, stopping only long enough to slam them shut behind him.

He wasn't going to wait to see if that held the beast. Once the doors were closed he ran further into the keep.


angha_firebird September 15 2011, 02:44:05 UTC
Screaming with rage, the dragon zombie scratches unrelentingly at the door with thick, massive talons. She persists until she has forgotten why she was so persistent at getting inside, and turns to lift her large snout at the air, saliva dripping from parted lips.

Lifting to the air, only one thing was certain.

Time to find more prey.


turian_honor September 16 2011, 06:04:36 UTC
Unfortunately... there was something else waiting for the wounded man, in the keep's darkened corridors.

For now, it simply stalks Zachariah. A sound like talons clicking on stone seems to follow his footsteps, punctuated with a low, echoing growl.


helluvachin September 16 2011, 07:33:43 UTC
Zachariah was exhausted and in tremendous pain. He couldn't keep that pace forever. It was hard to catch your breath when it hurt every time you breathed. Then he heard a noise. He was not alone in these halls.


Whatever it was he really hoped it was friendly.


turian_honor September 16 2011, 07:40:19 UTC
The growling stopped. The sound of footsteps stopped. In answer to the man's question, there was nothing but silence.

Until something shifted in the dark. There was a brief flash of a a pale eye, but nothing else.


helluvachin September 16 2011, 07:54:13 UTC
This time he was definitely reaching for his gun, but with his dominant arm broken his aim was going to be horrible. Even an a good day Zachariah's aim was only average at best. Now he was armed but he didn't take aim yet.

"If you're not a raving lunatic please say something."

He had to make absolutely sure this wasn't some scared, innocent person trying to hide like he was. Though that growling had given him some doubts.


turian_honor September 16 2011, 08:06:41 UTC
There was no answer.

But, after several seconds of stillness, something rolled toward the man's foot -- quickly. It rattled along the ground as it moved.


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