... It begins

Apr 09, 2011 12:40

It’s dark when the Keep’s newest guests arrive. The cold night air has seeped into the stones of the barracks sending a chill throughout the rooms. No fire has been laid, no lamp lit to beat back the cold or dispel the dark. Each cell remains exactly as it has for months on end, almost as though no one were expecting the small rooms to be occupied ( Read more... )

megamind, princess odette, alex marsters, jane shepard, rem, duran zaitsev, coen dostre, moonie brandt, !event, brynhildr dottir, isabel galstone, thumbelina, garrett hawke, kevas, garrus vakarian, eames, sunstreaker, joseph ivers, isabella, chase young, chelle vierren, sollux captor

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gotyourwallet April 9 2011, 03:13:33 UTC
Head pounding, Vie opens her eyes to darkness. The room is cold, familiar in a a sense but without light for her to pinpoint a location. A quick check reveals that her weapons are still on her and, without any reason to idle, the woman seeks a way out.

It doesn't take long to find the door, key in it's lock and carefully, she pushes it open. Stepping into the hallway, Vie breathes a steady breath. "Calm yourself, find light, get answers."

Decision made, she starts down the blackened hallway, ignoring the dull thud in her head and silently promising herself to strike back the one that took her down.


iwannabeadragon April 9 2011, 03:35:16 UTC
She's not the only one in that hallway. Also creeping down that black corridor is Hawke, daggers drawn and ready. This is most definitely not the Hanged Man.

Last thing he remembers is watching Isabela cheat him out of his money again (why does he even bother to keep playing cards with that woman?) and taking a swig of rotgut from her bottle. Now either the bartender started making much more powerful the last time Hawke was there or something sinister is afoot. Hawke is willing to bet money it's the latter. It's always the latter.


gotyourwallet April 9 2011, 03:39:39 UTC
That she isn't alone doesn't take long for Vie to realize. With her eyes rendered useless, her other senses had kicked into overdrive. Vie halts, hands moving to her blades and ready for action should it come.

"Identify yourself, stranger."

Whoever you are. Vie braces herself for the possibility that whoever it is isn't friendly.


iwannabeadragon April 9 2011, 04:00:28 UTC
Hawke stops. So he isn't alone here, but that's definitely no one he knows. What he wouldn't give to know where his friends are right now. That he doesn't know what happened to them is eating him up.

But that's a problem for another time. There are more immediate things to deal with. Like whoever this is.

"Garrett Hawke, Champion of Kirkwall!"

There, name and title, that should give them some pause...or make him a giant target. Honestly, he's pretty sure even more people try to kill him now that he's the Champion.


gotyourwallet April 9 2011, 04:06:06 UTC
Vie frowns in the darkness. Kirkwall is not a location she knows. From his words she learns a lot; that the man is indeed a man, not young nor old and apparently a fighter of sorts.

"I can't say I've ever heard of you, or Kirkwall for that matter, but that is a question for another time."

She won't give a name just yet. Vie needs to know more about him first. "Might I ask your clan?"


iwannabeadragon April 9 2011, 04:23:39 UTC
He's not sure whether to be relieved or not that she hasn't heard of him. Though she's never heard of Kirkwall? That's a bit odd. At the very least he won't have to worry about her attacking him, for the moment anyway. Hawke's not about to let his guard down here.

But what's this about a clan? Is she Dalish? She doesn't look like an elf nor does she sound like one. For now he'll hold off an answering that question.

"A bit rude not to introduce yourself isn't it?"


gotyourwallet April 9 2011, 04:32:05 UTC
Her lips quirk into a small smile. "Perhaps, yes. But for good reason. My coming here was not exactly smooth and I'm not about to throw trust into a stranger."

She doesn't move from where she stands, but moves one hand from her weapon to push her hair back behind her ear. Giving her true name to a clansman tracing the mark on her head would be the death of her. It's a caution that she might explain someday, but not just yet.


iwannabeadragon April 9 2011, 04:46:03 UTC
Hawke smirks at her, "Well that's not exactly fair. I gave you my name now didn't I?"

Even with this light Hawke can see her ear. No she's definitely not an elf. Then what is this talk about clans? Hawke relaxes slightly, but he's not ready to put his weapons away. He hasn't a clue what's going on right now and he's not willing to trust someone only because she hasn't attacked him yet. By Andraste's left tit he wishes the others were here right now.


keep_hallways April 9 2011, 04:47:57 UTC
Subtle and silent, a faint glow begins to gather at the end of the hall. It appears only to be coming closer, though no sound seems to accompany it, save the sounds Vie and Hawke make themselves.


gotyourwallet April 9 2011, 04:58:38 UTC
Vie allows her smirk to stretch to a smile. Whoever this guy is, he's likable enough that she might feel sad if she has to kill him. Part of her dares to hope that he'll be an ally, but what little she can see of him suggests the man is not Valei. Disappointing.

"Life never is fair, but since you're asking so nicely I might as well give a hint. You can call me..."

She trails off, eyes looking past him at the light at the end of the hall. In a quick movement, her weapons are at the ready. "Light."


iwannabeadragon April 9 2011, 05:06:40 UTC
"Bit of an odd name."

When she readies her weapons he readies his. Is she going to attack after all. Wait...she's looking past him. He chances a look behind him and sees the light approaching. Where did that come from? He didn't even hear it.

Now he's caught between two mysteries: this light and the woman. For all he knows they're both equally dangerous. Hawke decides to take a chance and slowly back towards the woman. At least she's human.

"Not a friend of yours I take it?"


aegisofsilk April 9 2011, 05:19:43 UTC
When Isabel rounds the corner on feet bear and silent, she sees two people facing off with weapons drawn. This does not bode well. If only they had had more time, been better prepared. Quietly, she draws her own poniard. Better they injure her than kill one another if it comes to the fray. Quiet as she can be, Isabel advances.


gotyourwallet April 9 2011, 05:38:44 UTC
"Vie, call me Vie. And no, this woman is as much a stranger as you."

Regardless, she's not about to turn down Hawke's unspoken offer to stand beside her in a fight. Not to say she trusts him, but better to have an ally of sorts on hand.


iwannabeadragon April 9 2011, 05:52:57 UTC
"Then you're as confused as me. Fantastic. I thought I was the only one."

This woman must be awfully confident if she thinks she can take them both with nothing but a dagger. At least Hawke is armed with two of them, not to mention a couple of bombs for a little extra firepower but he's not ready to break those out yet.


aegisofsilk April 9 2011, 05:59:34 UTC
"Put away your weapons." Isabel makes no move to follow her own instructions.

"I have no intention of harming either of you as long as you can remain calm." She stops a short distance from them, watching carefully. Combat has never been something she particularly understood and even now she has no idea what they will do.


gotyourwallet April 9 2011, 06:07:33 UTC
"Then give us answers."

The words are firm, but polite. "And I'll sheath my blades when you do the same."

Vie glances to Hawke, watching him for some kind of betrayal. She wouldn't turn her back to either of them. Years alone with only one remaining companion whom she scarcely saw had not done well for her trust in others.


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