May 21, 2011 13:47

There seem to be an awful lot of pigeons about today. They blanket the courtyards and pathways, cooing and fidgeting and fighting. They’re as flighty as ever, wheeling away in great flocks as soon as anyone approaches. All but the odd one or two, who hop on the spot half-heartedly, or else fly in a circle and quickly land again ( Read more... )

jack sparrow, princess odette, moonie brandt, !event, summoner yuna, brynhildr dottir, garrett hawke, kevas, garrus vakarian, talia, malkus iverwelling, first enchanter orsino, isabella, asma hughes, chase young, nel zelpher, sollux captor, lucas london

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before_wisdom May 21 2011, 04:33:05 UTC
Asma has never actually seen a carrier pigeon. They're odd little things, what with how they all bob their heads up and down when they walk, and their numbers are... strange, but not alarming.

She crouches down and looks at one of the nearby birds, "And what are you?"


keep_hallways May 21 2011, 04:45:08 UTC
One of the birds coos in reply, incapable of a better answer. It bounces closer to Asma and blinks its beady bird eyes.

There is a canister on its back. Is this worthy of investigation?


before_wisdom May 21 2011, 04:58:31 UTC
Asma notices the canister, and it's definitely interesting. However, she isn't going to risk frightening the bird by simply grabbing for the canister. She deals with animals, both dangerous and not, and it's best to be gentle with the friendlier ones... when not hunting, at the very least.

So, Asma does her best to imitate the pigeon's own cooing. It's certainly not amazing, what with it being her first time ever seeing and listening to a pigeon, but she's imitated bird calls before.

Care to come closer?


keep_hallways May 21 2011, 05:04:58 UTC
It does indeed come closer. The pigeon hops within Asma's grasp and sits there, tilting its head from side to side.


before_wisdom May 21 2011, 05:23:31 UTC
Asma's lips quirk into something akin to a smile, and she reaches over to gently remove the canister from the pigeon.

"And what do you have in here?"


keep_hallways May 21 2011, 05:49:38 UTC
Inside is a scroll. But even though the pigeon has been relieved of its message, it does not yet leave. It sits in front of Asma, looking at her and cooing, as the pigeons do.


before_wisdom May 21 2011, 05:54:00 UTC
Asma takes out the scroll - curious little thing, and part of her wonders if it was truly addressed to her or meant for someone else. Either way, she unravels it so she can read whatever message is inside.


keep_hallways May 21 2011, 06:16:30 UTC

... )


before_wisdom May 21 2011, 06:35:13 UTC
[...Now, that's interesting. It certainly isn't meant for her, as she doesn't know anyone named Cecelia. However, there may be someone else in the Keep that knows them.

As far as Asma knows, there's one very quick way to find out. So, quietly, she moves to take out her journal.]


keep_hallways May 21 2011, 06:50:55 UTC
The first pigeon ducks its head. It sits there for another few seconds before it jumps off, heading once more into the crowd.

However, another pigeon takes its place, landing squarely on Asma's head.


wow angus WAY TO USE THE WRONG FORMAT 8| before_wisdom May 21 2011, 08:33:04 UTC
Asma quickly swats the pigeon away from her head before standing up. They're interesting birds, but she doesn't plan on allowing anything to nest in her hair.

Either way, she's just going to start walking. She's got a question to ask, after all.


keep_hallways May 21 2011, 08:52:12 UTC
The pigeon squawks and flies off, leaving Asma to her business.


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