Mutants Assemble!

Dec 17, 2011 18:02

Who: Anyone who wants to show up (Open)
What: A little meeting for anyone who wants to get some tutoring on how to control their powers, or just to meet other people with powers.
When: Today (Saturday), in the afternoon
Where: The Chapel, for starters. People are free to move elsewhere, especially if they want a more open space to experiment with ( Read more... )

toph bei fong, charles xavier, talia, scott summers, shalnark, jael, ezra, sollux captor, logan/wolverine, tsia matsallen

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featherofthecat December 18 2011, 10:13:57 UTC
A wiry built hard faced looking blonde approaches the chapel.

This business with 'mutants' makes her curious. She wants to know who else identifies with the title, and what this guy on the journal was talking about. She's still cautious though.

She'll make a nonchalant pass of the door, trying to scope a little of the place out. Trust issues? Why yes.

If nothing jumps out and startles her, she'll take a peek inside.


eyebeam_envy December 18 2011, 22:36:17 UTC
Unless she can see through stone and heavy wood, there's not going to be much to look at. Scott knows there's at least one dangerous person to the mutant (or rather, misfit, but they're the same thing as far as Scott can tell) population, so they're in a location where it's relatively easy to keep an eye on things and who's coming and going.

Speaking of keeping an eye on the door, Scott makes his way over to see who's there. "Hello."


featherofthecat December 19 2011, 12:43:39 UTC
Now THAT would be a useful skill.

She sees someone making a bee-line for the door, where she's stuck her head in and straightens up. She looks up at the much taller boy, noting the red glasses, and that he's likely not quite done growing. He's just a kid.

"This is where the ... mutant school, is taking place. Right?" She speaks in Ciordani. She had brought her journal with her in case she met more people with the lack of a language she knows. It was irritating, and she absolutely loathed having to rely on it.


eyebeam_envy December 20 2011, 05:15:19 UTC
Really. Too bad only certain over-powered people in comics have that power.

Well, 33 isn't old, but it's not young either, unless Tsia comes from a place where aging works differently.

At least the language makes her easily identifiable. "Sorry, I don't speak your language." His journal happens to be small enough to fit in the pocket of his cardigan, so he pulls it out. It has a translation thing, right? They just have to figure out how to make it work... Most of the people Scott's met spoke English, so , figuring she might have a better idea what to do, he offers it to her.


featherofthecat December 20 2011, 10:07:25 UTC
It would also require spandex. Spandex and a cape.

She's pushing 50 and gone through menopause. If she gets out of this place or something doesn't kill her, she might even get to look forward to aging to a second century.

She should really be used to it by now, that very few people actually speak what she considered to be normal. She pulls out her own journal and gives it a little waggle. She's got this.

Speaking into the journal she repeats the question and adds a little more to it, then shows him the result, "This is where the 'mutant' school is taking place, right? I can understand what you say- I just can not speak whatever it is you are speaking."


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