(no subject)

Dec 17, 2011 10:28

At the appointed hour, the Keep’s doorways would reveal only alien black halls to Anna and Kevas. Beyond the threshold, the Headsman waited, his axe is at the ready. They were dangerous, this pair, and he would strike at the smallest sign of resistance. It would end it all far more quickly.

Upon the scaffold, an enormous cartwheel had been erected, about eight feet around. There were thick cuffs of leather and silver at quarters around its edge. Adjacent stood a low table, adorned by similar restraints. Between the two, a brazier burned orange with hot coals. A wicker basket and an odd-looking bowl waited nearby.

kevas, talia, !punishment, mads, anders, alex marsters, fenris (by reve), aht, jael, xanth aumeli, sollux captor, anna dominguez, tsia matsallen

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