10th [Commentlog] Forward dated to the 10th

Dec 08, 2011 09:04

Who: allthesame2me and featherofthecat
What: Full moon shenanigans
When: The evening of the 10th
Where: The forest and surrounding areas

It's a cold evening this December, but when the moon is full Alex has no choice but to make his way to the woods. Clothing and journal stored safely away, he submits to the change far from any other residents of the Keep. Once again, the leopard is out in the woods, all trace of human familiarity gone as he stalks the deer as the settle in for the night and other nocturnal creatures.

Even lost to the beast as he is, there is something familiar tickling at the edge of his mind. He growls low in his throat and slinks into the deeper underbrush and vanishes from sight.

alex marsters, tsia matsallen

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