There seem to be an awful lot of pigeons about today. They blanket the courtyards and pathways, cooing and fidgeting and fighting. They’re as flighty as ever, wheeling away in great flocks as soon as anyone approaches. All but the odd one or two, who hop on the spot half-heartedly, or else fly in a circle and quickly land again
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This...who would send a message like this? Bryn wasn't sure whether to be reassured that the person didn't eat cats, or horrified that they ate kids. What war were they talking about? Was there a war and now everyone was dead? Perhaps this war had something to do with why everyone's worlds were being retroactively taken out of existence?
She just didn't know, and now there were no other birds left with little message-canisters to check. Carefully, she tucked the message into her pocket along with the first, and tried to figure out what she should do with this new information.
Perhaps it was all just a trick...some...elaborate, cruel joke to worry them all. Were they just trying to get a reaction? Were they watching?
Her mind jumped from one question to the next, only adding to an increasing feeling of paranoia. Feeling apprehensive, Bryn exited the courtyard as quickly as possible.
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