Oh my God... it's huge.

Jan 07, 2004 03:40

Holy crap. Got my new 17" LCD today, and it's fucking bad ass. My brother and I were pulling out of the drive way on our way to BW3's, and I saw a UPS truck behind me. Looked inside the door and this dude was holding the box. I was like, 'MY MONITOR!!' So I turned around to go put it inside. =P

I don't feel like taking my old monitor off my desk again, so the new one is just sitting on top of my CPU right now... and I'm using it like that. Oh yeah, that is class. =P I set the resolution on 1280x1024. Now I can see EVERYTHING. It's awesome. I am in love. My computer is happy too. It is now complete. =D

Got my haircut today at 9 this morning. It's shoulder length. I probably got about an inch cut off. I don't really know, but it looks cute. Also went to Best Buy. Returned X2 and bought the Jurassic Park and The Lost World box set. I wanted the box set with all three movies plus a bonus disc, but it was $65. Jurassic Park is such a good movie. Unfortunately, I forgot how BORING The Lost World is. I also forgot Dr. Grant wasn't in it. =( I should have just bought the first one.

Took a nap after watching the first movie around 2:30, and I didn't wake up until 7. Holy crap. So yeah, my day was basically gone. But I went to BW3's with my brother and ate wings and played trivia... which made my day. I also won a round of trivia. Hoosh! Then came home and watched part of The Lost World, but went to Bere's because it was boring. =P

Bere made me a Star Wars Galaxy character, and I was running around the town in my underwear. Then I went to the beach and fought a butterfly with my bare hands. I lost, however, and was indisposed or something. Then I got back up after about a minute and killed his ass with my pistol. But this other butterfly saw it happen and he got mad and killed me again. Stupid butterflies. =P


25 days 'til MY 20th BIRTHDAY!

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So if you aren't nice to me, I'll make sure you die a horrible death by cursing you with syphillis... or chicken pox... or something... =P
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