The Wards 1.3

Jul 22, 2013 10:59

Ahoy! Do you like the new Legacy teaser as much as meeee? Prolly not.

Ann Lee: Welcome to my life! My Name is Ann Lee, and I'm a sim-being. I spent a long time in a dark place know as the Bin, before I was tweaked and thrown into the Small but thriving community of Sunset Valley. My Main objective? To see the ghost of my rich future Spouse. Since that day, I've married Gunther Goth, and poped out two kids! Yeah, life seems pretty easy for a sim like me!

Nice opening there, A.L.

Ann Lee: You like that? Thanks!

Ann Lee, through her megaphone: WAKE UP OLD MAN! KeenPea is back!

So, what have you guys been up to since I was gone, trying to make your world a better place?

Ann Lee: Well. I've been trying to teach Carter about life, and how to live it.

Carter: Are you shitting me, womanz?

Ann Lee: No. You need to poo and pee into the glorified plastic seat with a bucket under it. Hehe!

Ann Lee: Hey, do you know whats going on with that lot next to ours?

Well, A.L! Glad you asked. You see that used to be where the dump was, and it had spawners for objects. Unfortunately when I moved said junk yard, the spawners now just spawn random furniture that no one can really use or take home. I need to fix that.

Ann Lee: It's a fucking eyesore.

Stfu, no one is perfect.

Carter: I have a purple dragon!?

Carter: I love this purple dragon!
**Insert where I wanted to put a Barney Gif, but couldn't find one.**

Man, I do not miss this mess of a home.
Ann Lee: Does this mean that we're moving again?
Kinda sorta.

Okay, Elli! Carter!

Close your eyes! And when you open them, prepared to be amazed!

Ann Lee: Oooh. I see! This is because of the new graphics card right?
I was feeling inspired. -Shrug-

The new Legacy home! Hopefully it will be the last. Yes, it will probably change in various ways in the future as I add rooms, make rooms bigger, ect. But at the core will always be this! Cute right? I'm proud of it.
And yes, cowplant is back.

Elliot: Hey, what is Cookie doing buried in the backyard?
-Whistles innocently.-

So, Ann Lee! What do you think of your new house?
Ann Lee: It's great!

Ann Lee: The kids room is a little bland, but hey. What matters is you tried.

And so it was that from that day on, every day was hell in the Wards home. The brood of the two mated sims cried incessantly for food nearly nonstop when they were not sleeping.

Though, the Male, having an important job and status to keep, would have to leave the nest for hours at a time, leaving the female defenseless against the shrill cries of the children.

Elliot: I want food! GIVE ME FOOD!
Carter: I could go for some poached eggs, please, Waiter.

Ann Lee: Nah. 'yall can just watch me eat my yogurt and get the fuck over it.
Elliot: What a bitch...
Carter: Excuse me waiter? What about some oatmeal?

Ann Lee: Now, you. Learn to walk. By youself.

Ann Lee: I have way more important things to do, like

Ann Lee: painting cruddy cars.

Elliot: I don't think I'll be seen here...

Elliot: Oh Cookie, how I love you so. I want to make you a really real sim.
Pssst. Elli. I see everything.

I missed having the Cow Plant from the Kings Legacy, so I decided to give the Wards one.
Ann Lee: Haha! I will call you Milky!

Ann Lee: And you will be our watch cow. -Patpat-

Ann Lee: I've always had this.
You got it, you have it, we get it. Get a new catch phrase.

OH LOOK. Another screaming child wanting to be fed.

And another!

Ann Lee: I just want to make it clear, that I don't starve my kids.

Ann Lee: It's all just part of the show!
Then why are they always hungry?!

Ann Lee: Ahhh. I've got that feeling again.

Ann Lee: Aw! I'm pregnant again.
Joy...More harpies to feed.

Ann Lee: Gunther. I'm pregnant again.

A.L! The only reason he's happy is because it's boosting his old man ego!

Ann Lee: I intend to spend my entire pregnancy reading about cooking.
So that you could maybe feed your children?

I mean, really, Ann Lee?!

Gunther's painting skill finally became high enough for him to paint portraits! He also gained the ability to fart music notes.
..fucking cellphones ruining my screenshots.

Ann Lee: Oh hey. Yeah. I'm still learning how to cook.

I've had just about enough of the screaming from Elliot and Carter. Ann Lee and Gunther are about run down to the red, and every day has become some sad repetitive BS.

The Wards: Yaaaay!

This awesome. Thank you Gunther.

Ann Lee: Come on. Time to go. Mommy is feeling crampy, and keeping up the facade of being a normal happy family in public is making me want to explode into bitch mode.

And then, it starts to rain. And the children get irritable. Again.

Ann Lee: Shiiiiiiiit.

Ann Lee: We gotta get home. Like right now. YES, RIGHT NOW, GUNTHER!

Ann Lee:Ohgodohgodohgod!

Ah! A son is born. His Name is Patrick
*insert intro to the Lion king right hurr*

Hey, hey...wait a minute. I need to age him up from---

Ann Lee: It'shappeningagain! Ahhhh!

Ann Lee: Am I, am I sweating?
No, no. Not at all!

Twins! I've named her penny!

So, like. I was really shocked when I saw Patrick's Genetics, so I did a little digging, and I think they came from his Grandfather. At least the blue eyes did. IDFK.
And we'll end this with a little screencap of the prompt I got when I was told that Gunther won the Spring Dance King title.

Please stay tuned for more of the Wards! Also, I'm using the SweetPea action I made for my legacy, it's up for download here on my livejournal if you like it! :3
Also, expect more updates to the Wards this week. I've got the next two lines up waiting to be captioned, so posting them won't take me as long as I previously though.

the wards, ts3, legacy, 1.3

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