I may be sharing an apartment with a good friend in the future. She's looking for a job in town, has her boyfriend here... I would love sharing a place with her. So now we're looking for flats. I have hopes.
So it's time! For another interior design pic spam!
ETA: me and friends have talked and come to the conclusion that when we got families, we'd move out on the countryside and raise our kids in a commune-like gathering of houses like in the Astrid Lindgren books. At first, the pact was only me, Mikey and SaraS, and then I told Sarah P she could tag along, and SaraS said she'd asked her brothers, too.
Like this, see? It'll be a great place. Y'all are invited to visit. :)
This is a very new house. Proof that new buildings don't have to be ugly and boring! It's from
Jakriborg in southern Sweden, where two lovely, quite possibly crazy brothers built a whole little village in 17th century style.
Colours... *drool*
I've always been of the conviction that a proper sofa should invite you to snuggle.
My future library. Do come in.
This reminds me very much in spirit of my grandfather's house. The garden had a sun gate.
I always wanted a kitchen that leave room for work. Baking, cooking. And people hanging out there while you do. :)
I'm very very affected by the books I read growing up. I'm sort of still convinced they only existed for me, and I'm always surprised when someone else turns out to have read them. Sherlock Holmes, Narnia, Nesbit, my friends, haha! I very much want things in my future home that reflect those books.
These pugs belong to designer Valentino. I love that they match the house, haha! Funniest shit ever. He must have a great sense of humour. :)
I love how the paintings (posters in frames) are hung.
A PURPLE Christmas tree! How brilliant!
Mr. Holmes would love this, I bet.
Don't be boring. Pfoofy thistle pillows on divans. Love it.
Not boring. :)
I am slightly allergic to black and white floors, because of the "trend" right now in Sweden, where people without taste who think they have it put it EVERYfuckingwhere (that and
ugly squiggly shit on walls, urrgh). But this manages to be a lovely kitchen despite the floor.