"On this basis, and applying the European formula of compound interest, we inform our discoverers that they only owe us, as a first payment against the debt, a mass of 185,000 kilos of gold and 16 million kilos of silver, both raised to the power of 300.
This equals a figure that would need over 300 digits to put it down on paper and whose weight fully exceeds that of the planet Earth."
Part of a
letter from Indian chief Guaicaipuro Cuautemoc to all European governments to repay the gold and silver they borrowed between 1503 and 1660.
He suggests, for a first downpayment, they'll accept the entire continent of Europe. Fucking awesome. :)
I heart documentaries. They just mentioned something that really hit me. They said, that Brazilian environmental organizations are very conservative, that they think environmental care excludes humans. But there are areas in the Amazon that are only forested because of the Indian tribes there.
I'm them, I am! It's sad and true, I do think mankind is a virus. Because of our history, because of how Easter Island looks today, Greece, all of those barren landscapes because for thousands of years, humans have stripped them. But gosh, I want to be wrong.
Cool documentary, anyway. "
The Last White Kuarup." Go to Filmography, the whole thing is there.