I'm watching an architecture documentary called Great Expectations. And architects are fucking insane, I'm sorry. Especially the fifties ones.
I've known some, I like them in some ways, but when it comes to buildings? InSANE.
I'm seriously getting waking nightmares from some of the stuff in the doc.
One guy, building a house with apartments for 3000 people (in France, maybe Paris?) with the concept that the place would have everything you needed, to the extent that you would never have to leave the complex.
Doctors and psychiatrist sat down in a panel and stated to him that mental unhealth would go through the roof after having seen the plans.
So shoot me, weirdo architects. I'll take a turn-of-the-century villa with personality over ugly crap that look like concentration camps any day. I don't care how many architect prizes they've won, they make me feel bad in my SOUL.
Case in point, the Gothenburg city library. I never go there.
Case in point, villa.