So I've decided to change up the narration a little bit and move away from 1st person. It's been fun writing it that way, but I feel like having a bit more freedom to write what I want to write. Anyways, on to the update!
Reggie: Herroh thar.I am Reggie Santino, and this is my legacy.
Luna: Whoaaaaa, hold up there white boy. This is my legacy. MINE.
(sorry, just had to post a pic of Reggie, he was too cute (: )
So we begin the morning with Reggie's butt in the sprinklers.
Reggie: -hipshipships-
Reggie: Ahhhhh -squeal- ZE WATER IZ COLD.
Reggie has a little too much fun.
Edward: Uh...this is weird guys. Siblings shouldn't be doing that kind of stuff.
Caden: And then we mixed the phosphate and methane together to produce- you're not even listening!
Astrid: Ooooohhh, Bumpits! I NEED ONE.
Reggie: HAY GUYZ.
Caden: ...this is extremely awkward.
Astrid: Dad's hairy thighs. -convulse-
Reggie: See, last time I made grilled salmon it turned out all green and mossy and stuff. But maybe that was because the salmon I used was kind of fuzzy to begin with....
Maid: Mhm. Mhm.
It looks like the maid found another friend besides Reggie.
Astrid: Sooo.... ahem.
Astrid: You do a great job... cleaning our house.
Maid: I clean your toilet extra special, bebeh.
Maid: Can I get kissy kissy?
Astrid: You kiss as good as you clean.
And.... -end tender moment-
Apparently everyone was surprised to find Astrid alone with the help, whose name, it turns out, is Earl.
Reggie: Maid. You're looking very suspicious.
And that was Earl's cue to leave. (purple eyes!)
Reggie: Daughter. Explain.
Astrid: Uhhh... In my defense, he had sexy lips.
Reggie: Do you see these? You see these? When your boyfriend's face is smashed in, you'll know why!
Astrid: Dadddd. Don't be dramatic.
Reggie: Hey, these babies are strong, you never know what they're capable of!
Reggie: Yes, it is true that our house is clean because of you. But I believe inappropriate behavior with your boss's daughter is prohibited in the Proper Housemaid Handbook!
Earl: I-I'm sorry, Mr. Santino.
Reggie: Do you see this? I am unhappy. I don't want to see your face again!
Earl: But what about our cooking date? Can't I still teach you how to make grilled salmon and asparagus?
Reggie: NEVER. I don't want your dirty hands touching my food.
Earl: WE WERE KISSING, for god's sake! Not having an orgy!
Earl: You know what! Fine! You were a terrible cook anyways!
For some reason, almost the entire family had a want to go to the cemetery.
Stella: Dad. You are standing too close for comfort.
Reggie: I'm upset. Isn't a father allowed to stand near his daughter when he needs support?
Reggie: Who does she think she is? Astrid thinks she can just hook up with just anyone? I talked RECIPES with the man! I feel dirty.
Reggie: And why the HELL are we at a cemetery anyways?
Edward: Dad... are you PMSing?
Luna: Hello, fine sir. Whatcha doing here this time of night?
Ghost: I.... live here.
Luna: I see. And how is it that you died? My husband and I are trying to figure out how to inconspicuously get rid of my daughter's new boyfriend. We were thinking a trowel to the head.
Stella: Whatchu looking at?
Stella: Yea. That's right.
Luna: Stella, darling, take it easy on the man. He's already died once. -whisper- By trowel.
Ghost: I DID NOT DIE BY TROWEL. You people are crazy!
After the Astrid situation, everyone needed a bit of fresh air. So trip to the park it was!
Reggie: Yes, you heard right, my daughter's a thug. We're all so proud of her.
Guess who they ran into? None other than Jude Vigoda (by
amvalvo at ModtheSims), from my
Asylum Challenge!
Stella and Jude got along really well.
Stella: You look like a perfectly sinister kind of guy.
Jude: Mhm. Mhm. Go on.
Jude: So the other night, I was trying to steal this bench because it had this really awesome graffiti on it and I wanted it. Then the cops came, those bastards.
Stella: I KNOW! It's like, excuse me. I'm trying to get something done here!
Jude: And then they brought out the handcuffs.
Stella: Cops are so predictable.
A poor unsuspecting man was unfortunate enough to walk by the two.
Jude: Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
Stella: You betcha, babe.
Jude: The guy standing two feet away from me and can-hopefully-hear-everything-I'm-saying is sooo fat, the world could revolve around him!
Random pathetic dude: The people in this town... -sniff-
Jude: Ahh, that was epic man! I've never met someone who likes inflicting pain on others as much as I do.
Stella: ...ditto.
Stella shared a strangely normal hug with an obviously abnormal man.
But the two made a perfectly adorable couple. <3
Until Jude peed himself.
Jude: Well. This... is.... embarrassing.
Jude: -flick-
Stella: -shock-
Jude: ...walking away now...
Stella: -shock-
Edward, enjoying a good read.
Astrid: Milo, why do you hate water? What kind of a faggot hates water?
Milo: ...A faggot?
Astrid: Let me guess. Now you're going to tell us you're a vegetarian too, hm?
Milo: Well, actually. Yes. I am.
This was the most awkward picnic ever.
Will Stella and Jude last? Can Luna and Reggie forgive Earl for not following the Proper Housemaid Handbook?
And now that Milo's out of the closet, lots of romance is on the way :)
Thanks for reading! And please vote in the ongoing
heir poll.