Hello, fine little comm! I bring you fic. Small fandom crossover fic! But slashy fic, all the same! Comments and friending are keen!
Title: Through the Last Gate
Type: Tin Man/Keen Eddie crossover
Rating: Teen/PG-13/MSS
Pairings: Faintly (and in order of appearance) Rudy/Carol, Cain/Ambrose, Eddie/DG; if you squint it's Cain/DG/Ambrose; substantially blatant Monty/Eddie at the end.
Disclaimer: Tin Man, Keen Eddie, and all related characters, are property of Genius Products, RHI/Imagiquest Entertainment and Paramount Home Entertainment respectively. No piece of this written work, Through the Last Gate, and all subsequent artistic associations present or forthcoming in release of said work, is intended to infringe upon, devalue, or otherwise jeopardize the original copyright held by the above corporations.
‘There’s a porno called The Wizard Does Oz, should your mind change. Bananas go well with porn.’