I just love Spring!

Apr 18, 2006 16:06

I love Spring - VP and I arrived home last evening and in a "oh my God" moment, realized Hook will be here tomorrow! Sooooooooo, he's swamped with work, I on the other hand am unemployed and kind of taking "vacation" from my business until things calm a bit. So, I needed to get to the grocery store today and pick up my pups from the kennel. I'm on my way out of the drive - drop bills to be paid in the mail box for pick up - drive about 50 yards and "oh a cow" in the road, ok fun stuff - ok another cow in the road (on my side of the road) - I have to drive around the cow. Then a bit of road kill - so now I'm off - oh slow down, ducks crossing the road - oooo swerve, more road kill......... This happens all the way to the Super Wal-Mart - my favorite place, I don't care what people say about Wal-Mart - I dig it! So then off to the kennel - where my littlest pup proceeds to take a dump ( although I think it shoud technically be "leave a dump" in the middle of the parking lot - is that a clean up situation, I think not ). So again back home, more road kill ( I took a different direction and again there was more road kill) Cows were rounded up - but the ducks were back, crossing back to the other side of the road....... that was my day! it was funny and I totally enjoyed it.
Tomorrow is plant the garden day after I run to Louisville to pick up Hook and Darcy from the airport - I hope they brought their garden gloves... it would suck to have to plant this huge space without the "city" folk helpin' out..... well I guess moral support will do.
That is my latest post and I'm stickin to it!
Peace Out.
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