May 13, 2005 22:11
so ISEF has been a lot of fun turns out. at first we thought we'd have pleanty of free time and maybe even be kinda bored but it turned out we've been doing so much stuff that i didn't get any HW for the week done and it's friday night before i go home... fun stuff i know.
Anyways, we've been having fun together (the OES kids that is). we haven't all been the most social, still, i managed to meet a few cool people, whether it was waiting in a lunch line or yelling at a security gard to get his head out of his ass (thank you detroit people!).
Last night I watch Matt, Cole, Brian, Jenny, Dalia, and Thomas play poker until... 3 in the morning, so of course after that we had to start a movie... fun stuff. it was 4:30 when it was over, me and arnaud got back to the room and arnaud goes "i feel like running." fast forward ahead 5 more minutes and we're running around the stadium and back through downtown (if you can call it that) Pheonix... when we got back arnaud goes "Damn, that was a good run" as the hotel guy at the front desk cracks up and gives us the wierdest look... well... it was 5:15 AM by then... might not count as an all nighter though, because I finally went to sleep around 5:20 and slept until 8:30.
Tonight it's looking like it might be another all nigher, maybe. cept people are already seeming kinda tired. we'll wait and see, anyways i'm off to play cards w/ Sergio, Solly, and Jenny.
We all get back tomorrow around noon i think.